Page 18 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Second place is okay,” said Father Frank.

“Second place sucks,” said Marco.

“See,” Mrs Monty said to her husband. “Second place sucks.”

“Will you stop?”

“Who won? ”




“Oh come on!” Marco dropped the broom and threw up his hands.

The staff had been closing up the stand for the last hour or so and had actually been doing a really great job. Marco, Benny and Father Frank had all pitched in and worked together breaking down and cleaning up. Wrapping up the leftover food and prepping everything for transport back to the restaurant.

What had kept them going and in a good mood was the prospect of once again beating those stupid whiz heads and the thought of a little extra cabbage in their paychecks this week. None of them expected much, but an extra twenty, forty, fifty bucks was always welcome.

Marco wasn’t happy. “What happened?”

“Ahh, I don’t know.”

“So, no bonus then?”

“I guess not.” Romeo flipped a folding table on its side and secured its legs.

Monty had promised them all a little something extra this week if they won. And now…

“That sucks.”

“Yeah, and that’s not all.”


“Cap got up and made a big speech, told the whole crowd that they’re having a big party tomorrow night.”

“Tomorrow night?”


Marco thought for a moment, then smiled. “We gotta go.”


“Why? What do you mean why?”

Of course, Romeo already knew why. It would be a prime opportunity for Marco to cause trouble and there was almost nothing Marco liked to do more than cause trouble .

“Can’t. I gotta work.”

“You’re kidding, right?”


“Find someone to cover.”