Page 17 of Romeo & Antoinette

“They cheated.”


“No! Cap’s. Ooooh, I loathe them. I bet they cheated.”

“Come on. It was a good day. We took second place, saw a lot of old friends and the weather was perfect. Look,” he said, pointing up. “Not a cloud in the sky. Let it go. Romeo has.”

“Hmm? What?”

“I said second place is good.”

“Sure.” Romeo might have been there, walking with them, but he was a million miles away at the same time.

“They cheated, right?”


“Cap’s!” yelled his mom. “They cheated, right? They always cheat.”


? said Romeo giving her exactly what she wanted. “They cheat at everything. They’re terrible, terrible people, all of them.” History had shown him this was the smartest way to go with her.

“See,” she said to her husband. “They’re all dirty rotten cheaters.”



And then they waited, they waited for Romeo to say it too. Because that’s what they did. That was also one of their things, their family things. But he didn’t. He just kept walking, near them, but definitely not with them. Lost in thought. Limping too, just a little.

“What’s up with him?” Monty asked.

“I dunno,” said Mrs Monty. Then she smacked Romeo on the arm.

“Ouch. What was that for?”

“What’s up with you?”


“He says it’s nothing.”

“What’s wrong with your foot?”


“Should we believe him?” asked his dad.

“Should we believe you?” asked his mom.


“I don’t believe him,” said his mom to his dad.

“Did we win?” asked Marco, as they arrived at their stand.

“Afraid not,” said Monty holding up the ribbon. “Second place.”