Page 150 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Well, look who’s here,” said Officer Cole as he rolled down his window.

They had dropped Perry off down at the station and hightailed it back as soon as they heard all the calls coming in from the party. It was only because they were following the ambulance that they never bothered to turn on their siren or lights.

“Your name is all over my radio,” he said to Tyler.

Tyler was scared. Afraid of how much trouble he was in. He was shaking and babbling a mile a minute. “It wasn’t me. I can explain. It was an accident.”

“Get in,” Officer Cole said sternly, gesturing to the back seat.

“No. No. It’s okay. I’m okay,” Tyler stammered.

But Officer Cole wasn’t having it. “Get in the backseat before I cuff you and throw you in the trunk.”

Reluctantly, Tyler climbed in. He was cold, wet, frightened, covered in lake gunk from head to toe and thisclose to pissing in his pants. “I just…”

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear another word. You got it?”

Tyler averted his eyes. “Yes sir,” he said.

They pulled out, continuing down to the party.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Officer Cole added, looking back at Tyler in the rear view mirror.


“You got something on your face.”

In a short while things had settled down. Miraculously, no one had gotten seriously hurt. Sure, there were a few bumps and bruises here and there. And one of the guys in the band, the bass player, needed a couple quick stitches on his ankle. Easily provided by a wisecracking EMT, who he would eventually start dating. But, all in all they had been pretty lucky.

Over by where the bar used to sit, the Mayor was holding court again. Barking orders at Patrick, who was still knee deep on cleanup detail, and checking on folks and saying goodbyes. He had also managed to gather together one final plate of food. Salvaged for him by the original cheesy poof guy. So he was back to being in a pretty good mood when he summoned the parents.

“I’m hoping it’s safe to say that this feud is finally over?” the Mayor asked between bites.

The Caps and Monty’s looked at each other, then nodded in agreement.

“Good! I’m happy to hear that.”

“And can I see you shake hands?”

“We did,” said Cap.

The Mayor chewed and swallowed. The last of the crab puffs now on its way to his big belly. “How’s about we do it again.”

They nodded and each stepped forward. Monty put out his hand and Cap took it. It was a little more uneasy than earlier. Then they had both been swept up in the emotion of the moment. This time was slightly more awkward, but it was just as meaningful. Maybe more so, as this handshake represented the future.

Even the ladies got in on the act. Mrs Monty stepped over to Mrs Cap and hugged her. Even though Mrs Cap was taken by surprise, she hugged back.

“And our kids?” said Mrs Monty. “What are we gonna do about them?”

“I don’t know,” said Mrs Cap shaking her head. “I really just don’t know.”

Tyler could see it all. Stuck in the back of the police car he had a fine seat for all the hugs and handshakes, and frankly he didn’t like it one bit. None of it. And as he shook his head in silent disagreement he caught his reflection in the window. He could see it then. That piece of lake seaweed still stuck to his face.

Meanwhile, out on the water the crickets chirped. The container had popped up and bobbed to the surface. The thousands of critters still alive and well. Still making their crickety racket as the carrier drifted lazily toward the shore.

And the bats? Surprisingly unscathed by the night’s events, the bats had long since disappeared into the surrounding woods where they were happily feasting on a colony of bark beetles clinging to the side of a sickly oak.