Page 151 of Romeo & Antoinette

Ant was nervous. “What time is it?” she asked, again.

“Relax. We’re ready. You’re ready. And the place looks great.”

She was and it did. They were standing inside Ant’s new restaurant, giving the place one last look-see. They were doing a small friends and family pre-opening thing tonight and she wanted everything to be perfect.

“It does look great doesn’t it?”

Romeo wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the back of her neck. “It does. Congratulations.”


It was perfect. A small, intimate, brick walled bistro with a wood burning oven, flickering candles on the tables, and a bar just big enough for a couple of couples to have a drink while they wait.

“And it only took six months,” he said.

“Six long months.”

“You should be proud.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Me? What did I do?” he asked, feigning modesty.

“You supported every decision I made. Good or bad.”

“Hey. That’s my job.”

“And you came up with the name. ”

He did. Ant had wanted something warm and sensual that referenced food but did it in a homey way. For the longest time she was stuck. Then one rainy night in November, while they were lying in bed, Romeo was reminiscing about the first night they had made love. The rain, the candles, the wine, the paint upon her…

He suggested she call it Belly. Immediately she loved it. It was the perfect name.

A week later, by blind luck they’d met a metal worker, an artist, with a studio in the area who was passing by and just po

pped his head in to say hi and welcome them to the neighborhood. They’d hit it off and he volunteered to make a sign. Now outside, above the front door was the name, elegantly enhanced by iron and script. Belly…

“Taste this.”

It was Samantha, the chef. Ant hired her about five minutes after meeting her. She was young, pretty, ambitious and made some of the best food Ant had ever eaten. They were not only employer and employee, they were fast becoming good friends.

“Taste this,” she said again, offering up the spoon.

“It’s delicious. What is it?”

“It’s a new dressing, for the salad tonight. I got some Meyer lemons in this morning. Beautiful…” Sam’s voice trailed off as she disappeared back into the kitchen.

“She’s great,” said Romeo.

“She’s amazing,” said Ant.

“I pour the water now?” asked Mateo.

He was one of the busboys she had hired. He was the only other employee working tonight. Ant wanted Sam to make everything family style so they didn’t need any waiters this evening. Just a little help cleaning up.

“Sure. That would be great.”

“Are we early?”