Page 137 of Romeo & Antoinette

He was gone. Lost in the crowd. “I’m sorry, what?”

“I wanted to know if you wanted to take a rowboat out on the lake with me. It’s a beautiful night.”


“Yes, seriously.”

She just stared at him blankly, not even knowing how to answer.

“Come on. It’s a beautiful summer night. A perfect time to be out on the lake.”


“It’ll help get your mind off things. Come on…”

“Sure. Fine. Whatever,” she said, not really caring whether they did or didn’t.

“Hey,” said Benny, catching up to Nikki .

“You? What do you want?”

“This is for you.”

He held the plate with the cheesesteak out to her. It had jostled quite a bit on the journey over. Half the cheese had leaked out taking most of the meat and onions with it. At this point it was a sad excuse of their best work. A greasy, hot mess on a limp paper plate.

“You’re not really one for taking a hint, are you?”

Benny just shrugged.

“I mean I think I’ve made it pretty clear I’m not interested.”

“Have you?”

“Yes. I have.”

Benny shrugged again.

“What? You haven’t noticed?”

“Not really.”

“No?!” She threw up her hands. “Of course you haven’t. Guys only notice what they want to notice. You think maybe I might like you? Is that why you’re chasing me around like a lovesick puppy? You think maybe I could go for a guy like you? Why? Because all I ever seem to do is chase guys who aren’t interested in me? Who don’t appreciate me? Who treat

me like shit?


“What? You think you could make me happy? You think you’re the one? You think I could ever be happy about anything again? Ever?”

He offered her the cheesesteak again, proffering the plate.


She paused, and for a split second she considered it. But, then her old, deeply ingrained, full suited body armor of self destructive habits got the best of her. She gave him the once over. Looked him up and down. This guy? Really? she thought.

“I’m a vegetarian,” she said, waving off the meat sandwich and walking away.

“No you’re not,” he said .