Page 136 of Romeo & Antoinette


“I knew it the moment we met. I knew it the first time I looked into your eyes. The first time we touched. I know you felt it too.”


“I know I’ve never felt like this before, about anyone. I know I want to be with you.” He paused and searched her eyes. “Do you want to be with me?”

She did. I do, she thought. Which really surprised her. But she didn’t say it. Instead she said this.

“Look I like you, but I can’t trust you. The pictures, the fight, Tyler in the hospital…”

“That wasn’t my fault.”

“I know you’re still seeing that girl.”

“What girl?”

“That blonde bimbo from the bar.”

“What are you talking about?”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. It’ll never work. Our families hate each other.”

“I’m not my family.”

She reached for her wine, gulped half of it down and turned to leave.

He grabbed her arm, gently. Just to try to keep her there. “Wait.”

“Let me go.”

He did.

“You need to leave me alone now. It’s over.”

“You don’t mean that. ”

And that’s when Patrick showed up. “Hi,” he said. Followed momentarily by, “You ok?”

Ant looked at Romeo. As much as he was getting to her she knew she needed to end it. She had decided to move back to the city. That’s where she was going to open up her restaurant. Despite the fact that she hadn’t told her dad yet, and neither he nor her mom was going to like it. That’s what she was going to do. She was resigned to start this new chapter there. Start this new chapter fresh. “Yes,” she said.

“This guy’s not bothering you is he?”

“No. He was just leaving.”

“Ant, please…”

She shook her head no. It was slight and slow, but it was there. Romeo lingered for a bit, but it was obvious there was nothing left to say. Ant and Patrick both watched him go.

“Sooo… How about a boat ride?”

“Huh? A what?” She’d only half heard him.

“A boat ride.”

“What kind of boat?” she asked, still looking after Romeo.

“A row boat silly.”