Page 101 of Hard To Love

“I’ll be in touch,” she said, shaking my hand, then left.

“Ready?” Nick asked, walking over to me. I nodded, then slid my hand in his and lifted the box with the other.

“As I’ll ever be,” I said glancing up at him with a big grin on my face. I was so happy and it poured out of me.

When we got outside, we were surprised to find Mason standing there. My heart stopped.

I was worried about what he was going to do.

“Mason, go home,” Nick said, letting go of my hand.

“No. No!” He stumbled forward, slurring. “Don’t— tellmewhattodo,” he slurred. “Nick, the prodigal son, the one everyone loves, everyone is so proud of, the shining star in everyone’s eye!”

“Mason!” Claudia came walking out.

“You—another one everyone loves,” he hissed.

“Great, Mason, you’re drunk. Go home before you say something you will regret,” Nick said. I put the box down on the sidewalk.

“Stop pushing me around,” Mason growled. “I’m sick of it, of you, of all of you!” He tripped over his foot as he came forward and clumsily fell forward, but I was able to catch him and steady him on his feet. He stared up at me for a long uncomfortable moment. “I’m surprised you didn’t weasel your way into her heart!” he shouted at Claudia as he turned to face her. “Did you know she is a lesbian?” He said to me.

“Mason!” Claudia hissed.

“I loved you. I really did.” He looked down at me, eyes glassy. I looked away embarrassed.

“Mason,” I whispered, feeling regretful of my hateful words before. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry for those things I said earlier. I was hurt and didn’t think before I spoke. You know what that’s like, right?” I looked him in the eye.

“Yeah, I know I hurt you many times. I’m sorry I did that. I really am.” A tear escaped. I looked back at Nick, who was watching nervously.

“It’s in the past, Mason. I am not one to hold a grudge, trust me.” I smiled and glanced over at Nick.

“Didjueverloveme?” he asked, his words mashed together.

I shook my head and stepped towards him. “Mason—”

“No, don’t—don’t tell me. I can’t take it. Not right now.” He backed away. Claudia stood horrified, tears hanging on the brim of her lashes. I was afraid to say anything. I didn’t know that would send Mason over the edge.

“Mason, let me take you home.” Nick said stepping forward.

“No!” He snapped.

“I cared about you a lot.” I said taking Nick’s hand as I walked in front of him. “I know you can be a good person because I have seen it.” I clasped my hands together. “You just need to let go of this anger you keep inside.” Mason looked at me in a way that made my heart melt. I had never seen him in pain before, and I hated that I had a part in it. “I am sorry if I hurt your feelings or caused you any pain. I never intended to do that. I was happy when we were together, but my heart was never there, and I should have been honest with you about that.” A tear trickled down my cheek. “This is all so crazy and new to me too. You think it was easy to fall in love with the both of you?”

“Y—you loved me?” he gasped.

I bit my tongue, not thinking again. I tried to find a way to recover my words, but nothing came to mind.

“Yes,” I replied just going with it. “There were things that I loved about you. You need to show those parts of you, even if it makes you feel vulnerable.” I saw his eyes light up a little, and I felt the weight lift away. I looked over at Nick, who was smiling adoringly at me. “Can we take you home?” I asked. He nodded, and then started to walk towards my car. “Thank you again, Claudia,” I said. She was already standing behind me and grabbed me in her arms.

“I think you were great for my brothers, despite the weird situation,” she said, pulling back to look at me. “You changed them both in so many ways.”

“Really?” I cocked my head.

“You have no idea.” She smiled. She walked over to Nick and hugged him, then Mason. “I love you guys.” She said. Nick kissed her forehead then hugged her again before we got in the car. Mason climbed in the back and I got in the passenger seat.

After dropping Mason off, Nick and I went home to celebrate my success and our rekindled love. The sweetest thing about the night was the little sweet stares Nick gave me at the gallery. Every time he looked up at me through his lashes, I wanted to grab him and devour him. He did it again and I wasn’t sure I could wait out the entire ride in the elevator to touch him. I dropped my purse and grabbed him, pushing him back against the wall of the elevator.

He breathed in my mouth desperately. His thumb stroked the side of my neck, feeling the pulse under my warm skin. He pressed his lips down running his lips up to my chin, playfully biting. I gasped, digging my fingers in his hair, gently pulling his head back to kiss his neck. The sweet smell of his musk tantalizing my senses, I quickly nibbled on his lobe as his hand scratched up my thigh, lifting my skirt. He moved, pinning me against the wall, lifting me, his hands gripping my bottom. I moaned loudly, pulling away to breathe.