Page 100 of Hard To Love

“That’s the kettle calling it black.” I crossed my arms. “At least in my basket, I can admit to having two eggs my entire life, not more than a dozen—in a month or a week,” I said, and walked away. Nick tried to hide his smile, but it didn’t work. Mason spun around and stood there speechless as I disappeared down the hall.

“Good luck with that one,” he sputtered, and then stormed out. Nick snickered. I paced the room, furious and hurt.

Nick joined me after the front door slammed.

“You are amazing.” He

laughing, scooping me up in his arms.

“This isn’t funny.” I froze.

His head tilted as he came towards me. “No one ever stands up to him but you.”

“I don’t see why no one does.” I scoffed.

“I don’t know either.” He kissed me. “Was all of that true?”

“Yes,” I said, jerking my head back to look at him. “He tried several times to set up a romantic night, but I never could.”

“Because you still loved me?” he asked, and I nodded. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“I thought you were with Stacey,” I replied, looking away. “It wasn’t until my birthday when you told me you broke up, and then I figured it was too late,” I said with a shrug.

“It’s in the past. Let’s forget about all that and just start fresh,” he said, wrapping his arm around my waist. I nodded.

“I love you, Nick.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I love you, Lauren.” He lifted me up and carried me over to the bed.

Later that night at the gallery, things got interesting. Claudia had invited a big group of her wealthiest clients. Her father was there again as well, and he brought a few of his colleagues. The one person I never expected to see was Mason. I kept my distance, not wanting to cause a scene because it would not be pretty. Nick mingled, fitting in perfectly with the clientele. Some of them recognized his face in my work and asked about it. He easily spoke of being my inspiration. I could feel the pride emanating from him.

His father was a little surprised. “So I hear you and Nick are back together,” he said, walking up behind me, standing at my side looking out at the crowd.

“Yes ,” I said, then wanted to cower in a corner. “I hope that is all right? I know Abigail wasn’t too happy about it the first time.”

“I wouldn’t worry about her. She’s a little pretentious for my liking.” He chuckled. “Nick is happy, and it’s been a long time since I have seen that boyish smile of his.” He glanced down at me.

“I know how terrible it must look—”

Robert interjected, “You don’t have to explain anything to me.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “I am quite aware of Mason’s—indiscretions,” he said, and laughed. Then he saw a man he knew and called out to him, “John, how’s it going? Excuse me, sweetheart.” He said, and walked away.

“Everything all right?” Nick asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Better than all right,” I said, resting my head on his shoulder. “I have the man I love next to me and I am doing what I love most.” I felt my cheeks flush with excitement. “This couldn’t get any better.”

“Oh no?” he said, grinning devilishly. “I think it can.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” I said, giving him a peck on the lips. As I stepped back, I saw Mason walk towards us. “What is he doing here?” I whispered.

“I don’t know, but I will make sure he doesn’t cause a scene,” Nick said, walking away. I watched as Nick walked up to Mason, who looked as if he had had one too many drinks. I rolled my eyes, annoyed. The conversation started out calmly. Then Mason’s eyes changed and they darted in my direction. I hated the scowl on his face. It was frustrating that I was the one who always felt bad for others people’s actions. Not to say I’m innocent. I had said some cruel things, but he had hurt me. Nick made his way back to me. Mason stayed where he was.

Then Claudia joined Mason, but he didn’t acknowledge her presence.

At the end of the night, Nick helped me gather the pieces that were left unsold. We put them in boxes and as I fingered through them Claudia and Nick were chatting.

“Lauren, I think I would like to have you on my team,” she said, walking over. I looked up, unable to help but smile.

“I appreciate that.” I nodded.