“You are no fool, Snow. You protect those you love no matter the consequences and that takes courage. A husband and bairns would be well-protected with a wife like you.”

“No man wants a blind woman for a wife,” she said but kept the thought that followed to herself. Especially you.

She was grateful her stomach chose to grumble loudly.

“You’re hungry. You need to eat and it’s cold out here,” he said and placed his hand to the small of her back while he kept firm hold of her arm as he guided her up the stairs.

They were a couple of steps away from the top when Rannock called out to him.

“Lord Tarass, a troop approaches.”

Tarass turned and instinctively Snow turned with him, her boot catching on a patch of ice.

Her foot went out from under her and she felt herself tumble backward, then she felt a wrench to her arm. The next thing she knew… she was wrapped in his arms as they went tumbling down the stairs together.

Chapter 12

“Tarass?” Snow called out, her sight blurrier than usual.

“I’m right here.” Tarass gave her a squeeze, his arms still tight around her.

Snow realized then she was lying on top of him and her fright drifted away.

“Easy with her. I don’t know if she’s hurt,” Tarass said.

Snow felt herself lifted off Tarass and her fright returned.

“That is so nice of you, Rannock, to help Snow.”

Snow was relieved to hear Nettle’s voice letting her know what was happening.

“Are you hurt?” Tarass asked, getting to his feet and placing a hand on Snow’s shoulder.

Snow winced from the unexpected pain.

“I knew I wrenched your shoulder keeping as tight a hold on you that I did.” He had felt the abrupt pull when she had fallen backward,

“It’s a good thing you did or my fall might have been far worse.”

“She’s right,” Rannock said. “Keeping hold of her and wrapping yourself around her softened her fall.”

“Are you hurt?” Snow asked, anxiously. Worried he had hurt himself protecting her.

Her hand rushed up to touch him and find out for herself. It landed on his cheek and she ran her fingers slowly and methodically over his face, feeling along his cheeks, forehead, and jawline, then up the back of his neck.

Tarass stopped her there, grabbing her hand. “I’m good.”

He should have stopped her sooner, her soft touch leaving a titillating tingle on his face and causing his loins to tighten.

“The troop will be here soon,” Rannock reminded as he watched the intimate exchange between the couple.

“Someone looks for shelter after the storm?” Tarass asked.

“Someone looks for something, but it’s not shelter. James Macardle arrives shortly,” Rannock said.

“My brother is here?” Snow asked, turning to where she heard Rannock’s voice and settling her eyes on the large, gray blur.

Tarass looked down at Snow’s hand that had gripped his arm at the news. It was almost as if she were anchoring herself to him, not wanting to be separated from him. And it frustrated him that he liked the thought.

The door to the keep opened and Thaw came rushing out and down the steps barking furiously.

“He would not cease his incessant barking,” Fasta said and, glad to be rid of the pup, hurried to shut the door.

Thaw jumped up against her leg and Snow reached down to pat him, wincing as she did, the pain catching at her shoulder.

“You will see Runa,” Tarass said, giving her no choice in the matter.

“After I see my brother,” Snow said, knowing that arguing with him would do little good.

“The relief on your brother’s face at seeing you as he approaches, shows how much he has worried about you,” Nettle whispered at her side.

Snow was glad to hear Nettle detail the scene for her. It was so difficult not being able to see what was going on. She was learning to adapt as best she could, but there were times she was simply impatient. This was one of those times. She would love to have seen the look on James’s face herself. She didn’t think of James as her half-brother. He was her brother and he cared and protected her as a brother should.

“He is getting off his horse in haste and it appears he is headed straight for you,” Nettle said.

“Enough talk, Nettle,” Tarass snapped.

Snow wanted to tell Tarass to let Nettle be that she helped her, but she was suddenly grabbed in a tight hug. If Nettle hadn’t alerted her to James’s approach, she would have startled in fright.

An unexpected pain stabbed at her side and she assumed her previous wound had suffered in the fall.

“Thank God, you’re safe,” James said. “When the horses returned without you and Finn, I was beside myself with worry. The raging snowstorm didn’t allow for a search. It wasn’t until this morning we were able to start searching. I was losing hope when our tracker picked up a trail beneath the snow that led here. Where is Finn?” He looked around searching for him and met with Tarass’s stern face. “Forgive me, Lord Tarass, I was so relieved to see my sister safe that I failed to greet you properly, though I must say I am in your debt for giving my sister shelter.”