“Lord Tarass rescued me, James,” Snow explained. “I was alone and got lost after Finn died—”

“Finn is dead? What happened to him?” James asked, shaking his head, shocked, and trying to comprehend what he’d been told.

“This shouldn’t be discussed out here,” Tarass said and pointed up the stairs to the keep. “And I’m sure you and your men could do with a hardy drink or two and some food.”

“That’s generous of you, Lord Tarass,” James said.

James went to take Snow’s arm, but Tarass reached out, getting hold of her first.

“Your sister just took a tumble down the steps. I want to make certain she gets up the stairs safely,” Tarass said.

“Are you all right?” James asked, resting his hand on her arm.

“Aye, I am, worry not,” Snow said.

“I’ve done nothing but worry about you since the horses returned.” James kept pace with Snow and Tarass as they climbed the stairs. “We’ve all been worried sick about you. Eleanor had wanted to come with me on the search, but I advised her to remain home in case you arrived while I was gone.”

They entered the Great Hall, James’s small troop following him in, the tables already being set with pitchers of ale and hot cider and bowls of food.

Tarass slipped Snow’s cloak off and went to hand it to Nettle when he saw the young woman pale.

Nettle pointed to Snow’s side. “She’s bleeding,”

Snow went to touch her side, but Tarass grabbed her hand.

“Leave it,” he said. “Nettle, go fetch Runa.”

James got upset seeing the patch of blood. “Something must have stabbed you when you fell.”

“It’s from a previous wound,” Tarass said.

“A previous wound?” James asked. “When? How?”

“While my healer tends her wound, I’ll explain everything to you, James,” Tarass said.

Snow didn’t like that she wouldn’t be present when the men talked. But what did she have to worry about? Tarass didn’t want to wed her so he would make sure to omit many things.

Runa came rushing in and hurried straight to Snow.

“Nettle, take Snow and Runa to Snow’s bedchamber and help her with whatever she needs,” Tarass ordered.

“Aye, my lord.” Nettle reached out and took Snow’s hand, and whispered, “There are many about, it is best I guide you.”

Snow nodded and went with Nettle, Thaw following close by.

They weren’t far away when Snow heard James say, “Tell me all of it.”

“With your wound tearing open and the bump on your head from the fall, you shouldn’t travel home today,” Runa said after examining her.

“Willow’s place is close, I’ll have James take me there, then she can tend me,” Snow said.

“Still, the journey will not be easy with the amount of snow that has fallen. It would be wiser to remain here,” Runa advised again.

“Thank you for your advice, Runa, but I prefer to go home, or at least to my sister’s keep,” Snow said.

“I understand and I look forward to meeting Willow one day,” Runa said. “I’ll secure your wound with a thicker and tighter bandage. Hopefully, it will make your ride easier.”

Snow had nothing to gather, the few possessions she had having been strapped to the horse she had ridden when she had left her sister’s home. Yet, strangely enough, she felt as if she was leaving something behind.

Nettle led her down the stairs, Runa following behind her.

“You do well?” James asked anxiously? “Tarass told me how he happened upon you, rescued you from your dreadful fall, and brought you directly here to be looked after until he could contact me.”

“Aye, I wouldn’t have survived if it hadn’t been for him. I am most grateful to him,” Snow said and she truly was, even though he could prove maddening at times. But that mattered little, since she’d probably never see him again. “I am doing well, James.”

“Is this so, Runa?” Tarass asked.

Snow wasn’t surprised he asked his healer to confirm it and she was quite sure Runa would speak the truth to him and even more sure of his response.

“With her wound tearing open and the bump on her head, I advised Snow that it would be wiser she remain here at least one more day,” Runa said.

“That settles it then, Snow will remain here until Runa claims her fit to travel,” Tarass commanded.

Snow had been right about his response and she was prepared for it. “That’s not your decision to make.”

“I’m sure James would agree with me, right James,” Tarass said, turning to him.

“It’s not James’s decision either, it’s mine,” Snow said and before Tarass could say more she continued, “James, I think it would be wise to take me to Willow. Not that Runa hasn’t been a great help, but I’d prefer my sister to tend me.”

“Are you sure you can ride? Willow’s home is close but the snow-covered ground makes the journey a bit more difficult,” James said.