“Bring food and drink now,” Tarass demanded sharply.

Snow heard the woman scurry off.

“I will return shortly. You’re safe here,” Tarass said.

Snow listened as his footfalls faded away and she sat alone, or at least she believed herself alone. She had never been inside the keep when she had had her sight so she had no memory of it. Her one visit here when she was young had been in the summer and she and her sister had been left outside to occupy themselves.

Fear welled up inside her with such unfamiliar surroundings and not being around family or friends. There was no one here to rely on and Fasta was not someone she would trust. A shiver ran through her even though the fire’s warmth surrounded her. She turned to the one who never failed to bring her comfort.

Before she could call Thaw to her, his nose was nudging its way under her hand on her lap. She scooped him up and hugged him tight, placing her face next to his.

“I need you now more than ever,” she whispered and the pup licked her face and cuddled against her, letting her know he would not leave her side.

His closeness helped, but it didn’t alleviate her fears. How could it when she was stuck here with the Lord of Fire? A man who had made it clear that obedience was expected above all else.

Fear ran a shiver through her and she jumped when a wool shawl fell around her shoulders.

Chapter 7

“You’re still cold?”

“Tarass,” she said, wondering why she hadn’t heard him approach and worried that she hadn’t. How would she detect when he was near if she couldn’t hear his footfalls? Or had she simply been too deep in thought to have heard him?

“You shiver,” he said, trying to ignore the way his name slipped in a whispery softness from her lips. A sudden thought narrowed his brow. “Does something trouble you, Snow?”

She went to make an excuse, any excuse than to tell him the truth, but she decided otherwise. “All is unfamiliar to me here.” She was surprised when he sat beside her on the bench, feeling his leg press against hers, though she was not surprised to hear Thaw send him a warning growl.

“You know me and that’s all that matters,” he said softly and wanted to tuck the stray red strand of hair falling on her cheek behind her ear, but he didn’t want to startle her. And it was far too familiar of a gesture if anyone should see it. “I give you my word you are safe here and you will have all the help you need in maneuvering the keep. My healer, Runa, will be here shortly and will see to making sure your wound is healing along with your many scratches. You will be returned safely and well-healed to your family.”

It can’t be soon enough, Snow thought, but said, “I appreciate your help.”

Snow was caught off guard when he moved away from her and she found herself missing his warmth. His leg hadn’t been the only part of him to rest against her. As he had talked, his shoulder had pressed against her and his face had been so close she had felt his breath whisper across her cheek. And strange as it was to admit, she had felt safe with him there beside her.

A mixture of voices sounded and Tarass was quick to say, “Food and drink are here. Enjoy. I will return soon.”

With chatter, the shuffling of feet across the floor, and the food being set on the table, Snow had difficulty distinguishing anything and Thaw must have sensed her distress, since he had remained on her lap staring and growling at anyone who got close to her.

“A dog at the table and we’re called barbarians.”

Thaw snarled and Snow calmed him done with a soothing stroke. She recognized Fasta’s snappish voice and chose not to acknowledge it. She had no wont to argue. She wanted her time here done and be on her way home, never to return here again.

“Please extend your hand so I may introduce you to Nettle, and make sure that dog doesn’t bite her,” Fasta said with an annoyance that was obvious. “She has been assigned the chore of looking after you.”

Snow no soon as raised her hand then she felt a hand grab it, give a shake, then heard Thaw’s snarl stop and felt his head stretch up for what she assumed was for a rub.

“Nice dog. What’s your name?”

“His name is Thaw,” Snow said and he barked as though confirming his name.

“Named after the powerful god Thor. You have a lot to live up to.”

Snow didn’t bother to correct her.

“I’m pleased to meet you, Thor. You’re a handsome one with that chestnut colored hair and those black paws.”