Tarass shook his head. “Rannock, meet Snow of the Clan Macardle.”

“The blind Macardle sister?” Rannock asked with a scrunch of his nose. “What is she doing with you?”

“I came across her in the snowstorm,” Tarass said and continued before his friend could ask more questions. “I’ll explain later. Right now, we need food and shelter from the cold that has burrowed into our bones. She’ll be staying with us until I can return her home safely. I also need Runa. Snow was injured in a fall.”

“I’ll bring Runa to the keep,” Rannock said and he took the wolf’s headdress that Tarass handed him.

Snow turned her head toward Tarass. “You will command him not to harm Thaw.”

“Rannock jests. He will not harm Thaw.”

“I would never harm a creature who carries the name of our great god Thor,” Rannock said.

Snow didn’t correct him. It was better that Rannock thought Thaw was named after a god. The barbarians here would then surely leave the pup alone. Though, she did wonder if Tarass thought the same of Thaw.

She didn’t take a chance, though, she held onto the pup.

The warmth of the Great Hall was most welcoming as was the bench Tarass set her on.

“Lord Tarass, welcome home,” a woman’s voice called out.

Snow couldn’t help but hear in her voice how pleased the woman was over his arrival.

Tarass returned the greeting. “It is good to be home, Fasta. I need food and a hot drink to warm us and a room made ready for our guest. This is Snow of the Clan Macardle and she will be staying here until I can return her home.”

“The blind Macardle sister?” Fasta asked.

“Aye and I will also need someone to assist her while she is our guest, since it will be impossible for her to maneuver her way around the keep on her own,” Tarass said.

Snow wondered how they were familiar with her name when she hadn’t been here since Tarass’s return home. Though, perhaps, he had voiced his annoyance with her to his clan. A thought she disliked, but she also disliked when things were decided for her and in front of her as if she wasn’t there or she had no say in the matter. But she wasn’t home with family. She was at the mercy of the man she had verbally battled with on more than one occasion. And he was right about her making her way around his keep. She would hold her tongue unless, of course, there came a time she couldn’t.

“I will see to everything, my lord, and will you want a bath prepared for you later?” Fasta asked.

Snow thought her question sounded more like an invitation and she couldn’t help but think that Fasta and Tarass were more than lord and servant. Though, his direct and abrupt response squashed the thought.

“I’ll let you know later, Fasta,” Tarass said.

Snow had placed Thaw on the floor after she had sat and she looked around for the gray blur as she shed her cloak. It was quickly snatched off her and out of her hands.

“I’ll see that you get clean, dry garments, and have your cloak taken to your room,” Tarass said. “Thaw sleeps by the hearth.” He took her hand and pointed it in the direction where the pup was curled up. “You are both safe. Do not worry.”

“I appreciate your generosity, Lord Tarass,” she said, relieved to see Thaw content.

He much preferred when she called him Tarass, but it was better she addressed him properly in front of others, so tongues wouldn’t wag.

“I will get you home as soon as possible,” he said and stepped aside as servants appeared with food and drink.

Snow’s stomach grumbled at the delicious scents and Thaw gave a bark.

“I need food for Thaw,” Snow was quick to say.

“He does not fend for himself?”

Snow recognized Fasta’s voice. “No, I give him food from the kitchen in the morning and the evening.”

“Dogs find their own food,” Fasta said, though sounded as if she admonished.

“You will see that the pup eats as Snow says. He is our guest as well,” Tarass ordered.

Snow caught the reprimand in Tarass’s tone and she worried the woman might hurt Thaw. “I can share my portion with Thaw.”

“Thaw will have his own food,” Tarass commanded with such authority that he had Fasta apologizing.

“Forgive me, my lord, I am unaccustomed to the ways of this land.”

Snow spoke up. “I would feel more comfortable giving Thaw some of my food.”

“Do you suggest I would harm your dog?” Fasta accused.

“I don’t know you or your ways and I will not take a chance with anyone harming my pup,” Snow said defensively.

“Enough!” Tarass commanded. “No one will harm Thaw. He will be fed according to Snow’s directions.”

“As you say, my lord,” Fasta said. obedience in her voice.

Snow remained silent, since Tarass’s orders were clear.