Page 16 of All of What You See

“Downplay what?” she asks, looking down at the floor.

“The love that we have found. I don’t believe in coincidence, baby. Happenstance is not what this is. This is fate, Fern. I was meant to meet you, hold you, kiss you, breed you. We are destiny.” “Love? You love me?” she looks genuinely surprised and then I feel like a moron.

“Shit baby. I never said it, did I? I have been thinking about it this whole time. I guess considering everything, I thought you could hear it.'' She smiles and shakes her head at me. “I’m sorry, baby. I love you, with every part of me, Fern. I always believed when people said that it was hyperbole. Wishful thinking. Drama for movies and books. The moment I heard your first breath in both my mind and heart, I knew it was real. We are real. I fucking love you baby.” “I love you too.” she throws her arms around me and laughs. Her happiness melts into me like sunshine on a balmy day.

“That is fucking good to hear baby. Now, your friend Diamond is on her way here.” “Oh yes.” she jumps off the bed and sprints into the bathroom. For the past week we have been venturing out of the house but for short periods of time. I am not comfortable with having her in public places and we still haven’t caught him yet. Her shop was broken into a few days ago, thank fuck she wasn’t there, but it doesn’t stop me from pulling out my damn hair.

She and Diamond have been on the phone every day since she got here, cackling like a bunch of hens. Finally, she convinced me to let her come here and for them to go to lunch. Bzzz. “Babe, can you get the door?” she hollers from the room. I throw on my jeans and henley and make it to the door in enough time to hear her cursing someone outside. I open it unsure of what I am going to find, but it certainly isn’t to find Ammo pinning her to the door as she curses him out over being high handed.

“Ammo, what the fuck is going?” I know he is not trying to hurt her, but this scene is a bit disturbing, and I don’t know what to make of it.

“Thank you. This man is harassing me.” Diamond pushes Ammo off her and walks inside the house. She doesn’t make it far when he pulls her back by her shirt and wraps his hands around her. I don't know what he whispers to her, but suddenly I feel like a dirty old man watching a porno, so I walk away shaking my head. My lover walks down the stairs right as he separates his lips from hers and she giggles as Diamond calls him an asshole before walking in the house.

“Baby I have no clue what the hell is going on.” I tell Fern.

“It’s ok, I saw this coming.” well shit.

“You saw what exactly?” Do I really want to know? “The first day I came here, when he met us outside, I saw this.” “That explains the lingering glances that almost made me take my friend out.” I pull her into my arms and kiss her laughs.

“Were you jealous?” She looks shocked and I smile.

“I am jealous anytime your eyes are not on me baby. Every damn time.” “You have nothing to worry about. I belong to you, remember.” she wiggles her newly jeweled finger at me.

“Damn straight.” “Excuse me. Hello. Did you two forget I was here and what is…. Oh my God.” she sees the ring on Fern’s finger and then they both start screaming jumping up and down. It is going to be a long day.

Chapter Eleven


“Girl, when you fall you fall fast.” my best friend says as I make us some tea.

“I know. Trust me. It’s just…different with him. He gets me. No, it is more than that, he believes me and in me.“ She grabs my hands and smiles.

“I am so happy for you. This place is like a fortress. I mean a whole city practically. They even built a bar on the grounds.” she says, sipping her chamomile. I know she is trying to keep me from asking about the scene outside, but no such luck for her.

“Nice try. Want to tell me about what happened when you got here?'' She has the decency to look sheepish since I know her well enough to know that as much as she was acting affronted, she was really turned on. She is a grade A freak.

“Some jerk saw me getting out of the car and decided to get all up in my business like he knew me. Your man was kind enough to open the door and rescue me.” “Yeah. Ok. I saw him whisper something to you before you walked in, and your face was so flushed. So what did Ammo say to you?” “Something about me, him and melting ice cream.” Whoa.