Page 17 of All of What You See

“Sounds interesting.” I don’t want to push her, but if my vision is correct, he is her future.

“I mean it was hot and all, but MC guys are unreliable and players. They have bunnies and whatever the hell you call them. They don’t commit. Period.” “I think you shouldn’t judge everyone by the same standards.” My man is nothing like that. “Alright, let me grab my purse and we can hit the mall and have lunch.” I want to get her away from here, so she doesn’t overthink this.

A bridal store, a shoe store, and two furniture stores later, we are finally sitting down to lunch. It took me six kisses, one hug and a promise to call each time we moved from place to the next for Loid to agree to let me come out. Did I mention he dropped us off like a hovering parent? “Have you been to this place before?” Diamond asks me as she grabs the menu. I shake my head looking it over. Cow and Pig is a new restaurant in our town. I have heard great things about it, but never tried it. “Well I am hungry as hell. I hope it’s good.” “Me too. Who knew shopping could be so tiring?” The menu looks good if I may say so myself. The waitress is efficient and seems to like her job which is a great thing.

“So, have you set a date yet?” she asks, raising her eyebrows.

“No. He asked me like minutes before you got there. You know I don’t want anything fancy.” I have always pictured myself getting married in a field of grass and leaves, in a flowy dress the same color as the nature surrounding me, with a ceremony performed by a high priestess.

“I know. I know.” just now the chime over the door dings and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Luckily, we are seated in a corner, where the counter and part of the kitchen obscures us from the front, but at the angle I am sitting, I can see. My chest goes erratic as the man that has been stifling my freedom and causing me nightmares comes into the restaurant. I don’t know if he knows I am here, but this is not good. I reach over for my phone only to realize that I left it on the dresser. “Fern. What’s wrong? You look pale.” I can’t speak. My throat is clogged up and if I keep breathing this fast, I am going to pass out.

Remembering what Cecily said, I close my eyes to block out everything and I call out to Loid, hoping like hell he can hear me. “Loid. Loid can you hear me? Please be listening and all of this be real. Loid I need you. He’s here. We are at the restaurant.” When I hear nothing from him, I feel hope deflate and my anxiety rises. I start thinking of a plan. Grabbing Diamonds hand, I try to get her attention.

“We have to leave.” I say in my urgent voice not wanting to give anything away. We have seconds before he spots us and then it will be too late.

“What is going on? You look terrified.” I don't know how much to tell her. If I tell her the truth she may freak out and we can’t afford that. Oh God. Why didn't I listen to him and stay home? “Fern.” She says my name and then I hear him.

“I’m coming baby. I am two minutes away. Stay in plain view of the public. I have squad cars on their way. Be brave.” Thank God.

“Diamond, don’t freak out, but the guy from the shop is here. Don’t worry. Help is on the way.” “You mean the one who…oh God. We have to go.” she panics, pulling at my hand. I grip hers and make her look at me.

“No. We have to stay right here where everyone can…” “Gotcha, BITCH!” he grips my upper arm attempting to move me from the booth. Before I can fight him, the door to the restaurant slams open and in walks my future husband.

“Take your fucking hands off my woman.” he demands racing toward me.

“Or what?” he pulls a gun from his pants, and everyone scurries out of the restaurant, screaming.

“I will fucking rip you limb from limb.” he threatens pointing the gun at Loid. The bottom drops out of me as fear takes over. Not of me being hurt, but of Loid being shot. I can’t lose him right when everything has come together. “Baby, take a deep breath. Everything is going to be fine.” he reassures me before walking closer to Ox.

“Loid don’t.” I call out. Ox cocks the gun and I scream; sure he is going to pull the trigger. I hear a grunt, tussle and nothing. When nothing happens, I open my eyes and find my strong man, with his foot against Ox’s neck.