He looked at her for long moments, his hands either side of her face, wanting to tuck this memory away for ever. His eyes roved over her features, mapping every one. Blue eyes, cute snub nose, pointy little chin.

‘Hi,’ he said after a while.


And then he kissed her and it was deep and slow and sweet, not urgent and hurried like last time. The kind of kiss that melted from the inside, delivering a long, slow burn. Lethal and sexy all at once. And when she moaned against his mouth and twined her arms around his neck to drag him closer the flame burned brighter.

Luke pulled away slightly, moved his mouth to her cheek, her neck, kissing his way down, aiming to go much further south than he had last time with his mouth.

But then Claudia was pulling on his shoulders and when he looked up at her she said, ‘No. I need you in me. Now.’

Luke grinned. He liked her impatience. ‘Soon,’ he said, returning to his ministrations.

‘No,’ Claudia said and Luke glanced up again. ‘Now.’

He smiled as he dropped a kiss to her sternum. ‘Claude...I don’t think I’m going to last too long.’

That was the whole point of dragging out her pleasure, making it good, making it memorable because he doubted his performance was going to be robust after several years of abstinence and sperm tubules that were about to rupture under the pressure.

Claudia cocked an eyebrow at him. ‘And you think I’m going to?’

He grinned at her as he reached for the condoms. ‘Hurry,’ she whispered and he did, quickly donning one over his still-rampant erection.

And then he was back between her thighs, their hips aligned, and she was wrapping her legs around his waist and saying, ‘Now, now,’ and it was so easy to slide into all her heat, so easy and good and right, easy to pull out and go in again, easy to make her gasp and moan and beg him to not stop, never stop, easy to drive them towards the pleasure just a handful of strokes away.

Then they were coming together, gasping and calling out each other’s names, rising and rising, holding on tight then letting go and falling, falling, falling.


They lay in silence long after they’d both bumped back to earth. Luke had bundled her close, Claudia’s head on his shoulder, her brea**sts squashed against his ribs, her leg draped across his thighs. And for the longest time they didn’t say anything, just drifted along in a delicious post-coital haze.

Claudia supposed she should be feeling some kind of guilt or remorse or mortification but she didn’t—not tonight anyway. There would be time enough for recriminations in the days and weeks ahead but for now she was just too damned chilled out. Instead she absently circled a finger around his nearest nipple, enjoying the tickle of the hair.

‘You should stop shaving,’ she said.

Luke’s eyes drifted open. ‘No.’

Claudia smiled. ‘I like stubble.’

‘Then you grow some,’ he murmured.

Claudia turned to face him, propping her chin on his chest. ‘I remember when you used to look very unshaven and shaggy.’

She lifted her hand and stroked his smooth jawline. God, as a teenager she’d drooled watching him come home from uni all shaggy-haired and scruffy as he headed straight for the beach.

Luke let his eyes drift shut again, enjoying her light caress. ‘I lived at the beach, I had to look the part. But I’m a professional working man now and I need to look that part. Shaving is London. Stubble is Crescent Cove.’

Claudia sighed, not too far gone to get the message. But mellow enough to accept it. Accept that, for him, the length of his whiskers defined the type of man he was. ‘Whatever,’ she murmured. ‘You’d still look sexy with stubble.’

Luke smiled. ‘I’m sexy enough.’

Claudia smiled too. Arrogant but true. Not that she was going to let him get away with such a cocky statement. ‘There’s always room for improvement,’ she murmured.

Luke opened his eyes and looked directly into hers. ‘I know it’s trendy these days to look a little ungroomed but a lot of my clients are old school. They respect men who take the time to present well.’

Claudia screwed up her nose. ‘Sound like a bunch of old fuddy-duddies to me,’ she said, snuggling her head back into his shoulder again.

Luke chuckled at her disdain. Yeah, some of them were but they were also wealthy fuddy-duddies who could afford multimillion-dollar ad campaigns.

They were his fuddy-duddies.

He stroked her hair as his eyelids grew heavy again, enjoying the low-level buzz still undulating through his pleasure receptors and vibrating against his skin.