He was almost asleep when Claudia’s quiet, ‘So, what did happen between you and Philippa?’ drifted his eyelids open. Maybe it was a measure of how relaxed, how ironed out he was that the question didn’t particularly alarm him. Earlier he’d told her it wasn’t any of her business but now, he wanted her to know.

Maybe it would help her to understand him a little better. Why he was so driven to succeed. Why he’d not had time for the Tropicana. Why he had to go back.

But where to begin?

Claudia waited. He didn’t tense as she’d expected him to but it was a long time before he answered and she wondered if he’d gone to sleep.

‘She’d gone to Paris for a work conference,’ Luke said into the stillness of the night. The pale red light from the clock glowed in Claudia’s hair, highlighting the blonde strands, and he played with them absently, sifting through them as he sifted through the memories. ‘I was joining her for the weekend. But an opportunity came up and I was able to join her a day early. I thought I’d surprise her. She’d left my key at the desk so I grabbed it and let myself into the room. She was in bed with another man.’

Claudia, who had been distracted by the low sexy rumble of his voice as it vibrated through his ribcage, took a few seconds to process what he’d said. She turned quickly when the implications filtered in, flipping onto her stomach and using her elbow to drag herself closer to him, raising her head and chest above him, looking down into hooded eyes.

‘Oh, Luke,’ she whispered, stroking her free hand down the side of his impossibly smooth face. ‘That’s awful...I’m so, so sorry.’ She kissed him then, a light press to his lips, to his cheek, to each eyelid in turn. ‘I can’t even begin to imagine how awful that must have been.’

Luke grimaced as he short-circuited the ugly scene before it played in slow-mo through his head yet again. ‘I was...gutted.’

‘You had no idea?’

Luke shook his head. ‘He was an old lover of hers. Her first boss in advertising at a very prestigious, old-school firm. It had apparently been a long-standing arrangement,’ he said and even after three years he could still taste the bitterness in his mouth. ‘She said it never occurred to her to give him up.’

Claudia could feel his hurt and betrayal, could tell it was still a gaping wound for him. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said again, dropping a kiss on his chest because what else could she say?

The angel nodded sagely and reminded her it was none of her business. The devil wanted to demand Philippa’s address so they could go and scratch the unfaithful bitch’s eyes out.

‘Oh, it gets worse,’ he said. ‘Philippa and I were setting up a business on our own. It was all legally binding and set to go. When I dared to express my outrage at her infidelity, when I deigned to separate from her and back out of the partnership, she stole my biggest client, the firm’s biggest client, right out from under me. Not only could I not go out on my own but the company lost money and took a blow to its reputation. I’ve spent the last three years trying to repair the mess.’

Claudia thought back to all the uncharitable thoughts she’d had about Luke the last few years and felt ashamed. No wonder he hadn’t had any time for her and the Tropicana. No wonder he was looking to hightail it back to London as soon as possible.

‘It wasn’t your fault, Luke.’

Luke saw the compassion in her eyes; it glittered in the red light that played in her baby blues. ‘Maybe not,’ he said. ‘But I’ll always blame myself to a certain degree.’

Claudia couldn’t bear the thought of it. ‘Why?’ she demanded quietly, cupping both of his cheeks in her hands. ‘Because you loved someone and trusted them?’

‘Yes,’ he said, looking directly into her eyes. ‘And I’ll never be so foolish again.’

Claudia wanted to weep then. Not only had Philippa destroyed his faith in himself and his reputation at work but she’d also ruined him for love.

Ruined him for her.

She didn’t know what to do or say to make it better or convince him that one stupid woman did not represent all women. That people did love and it was true and deep and honest. That it could be abiding and faithful. Because he knew that anyway.

He only had to look at his parents, or hers, to truly know that.

But one look at him now, his brown eyes practically glowing with indignation in the red light, she knew he didn’t think it applied to him. That he’d shut himself off from the possibility altogether.

And her heart broke into a thousand pieces. Because she wanted to be the one to show him what kind of a woman he needed. Show him what love could be.