She smiled mischievously, a naughty glint lighting her eyes.

Yeah, that was Lola.

“I can’t wait to get my mouth on you.” She winked.

Alex’s nerve endings snapped. His dick pulsed with frantic beats. And his mind raced with where to start? thoughts.

First things first, buddy…

“I want you naked, remember?”

She chewed the corner of her lower lip.

Alex’s brow furrowed. “What?”



Lola sighed. “I’m not exactly, you know… skinny.”

“Oh, fuck.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “Lo. Seriously. I mean…” His gaze raked over her. “Seriously?”

He was shocked a woman with a body like that suffered any sort of insecurity. But then he recalled what she’d said about her mom being svelte and her not expecting all the curves that had come her way, especially at such a vulnerable age. Alex knew he had to show her just how amazing she was.

“Lo,” he said as he crossed the room and knelt before her, while she remained on the ledge of the bed. “Here’s the thing.” He placed his hands on her knees and spread her legs wide. “You are so gorgeous, it freaks out the male population. What I’m saying is, you are jaw-droppingly beautiful.”

She stared at him a few moments, then smiled. “Thank you. I’ll shut up now.”

“Not totally,” he said as he wedged himself in the vee created by her parted thighs and kissed her. Against her lips, he murmured, “You can talk slutty to me all you want.”

“Alex, how is it that I know you better than anyone, but had no idea about this super-sexy side of you?”

“You never asked?” he ventured.

With a soft laugh, she said, “Silly me. We could have solved my problem years ago.”

Alex’s gut coiled. Okay, there it was—the very clear and absolute reminder that this was just about sex. That they weren’t professing undying love or even dating. He’d gotten it on with her on the floor of his living room without even taking her to dinner or a movie first.

Lola was looking for a steamy hookup, and he was more than willing to accommodate. But he suspected that, in her mind, that was as far as this was meant to go.

Sex. Just sex.

Friends with benefits. The extremely risky FWB.

She’d said that was what she wanted. She’d even called it cliché. So Alex had to be really, really careful not to get ahead of himself. Not to think there was more between them than mutual physical satisfaction. No easy feat. However, he was more than willing to tow the line, because—at the moment—Lola was his.

“You’re thinking about what you want to do to me, right?” she asked, pulling him from his wayward thoughts.

He nodded, despite his internal tug-of-war when it came to this very delicate situation. He wasn’t looking to get his heart stomped on, but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be with Lola, either.

Alex told her, “A dozen or so ideas instantly come to mind. You should probably speak now if anything’s off limits.”

Her blonde brows shot up. “Alex!” He felt her shiver as she squirmed against him. “You are turning out to be one sinfully delicious treat. And the answer, when it comes to you, is nothing’s off limits.”

He kissed her again, loving the feeling of her body pressed to his, loving the taste of her, loving the electricity zinging through him.

Sliding his hands under the tight hem of her nightie, he shoved the satiny material upward. She lifted slightly off the mattress so he could push the lingerie over her shapely hips and full breasts, and then over her head. He tossed the garment aside and shifted away from her, absorbing the visual—the powerful impact—of Lola in nothing but a lacy lavender thong and her sassy purple-suede shoes with the straps over her sculpted ankles.