He let out a sharp breath. “Damn, Lo.” Alex thought he hadn’t been able to get any harder. He’d been wrong. “I want to be in your mouth. In your pussy. But I need to taste you. Make you come again.”

“Alex.” Her cheeks actually flushed. He gloated inwardly.

His fingers hooked in the strands of her miniscule panties and she moved once more so he could drag the lace down her legs.

“Let’s leave the shoes on,” he said, the sight of his blonde bombshell in heels a highly arousing one.

Gently gripping her calf, he maneuvered her so one foot rested on the bed, not even minding that the sole of her shoe was on his pewter-colored duvet. Her other foot was still on the floor. She was spread wide open for him and Alex’s excitement mounted. He eyed her tight, pink parts, finding her small dewy lips irresistible.

He slid his fingers along them. Blew out a soft breath against them, making the flesh quiver. Then he swept his tongue over the slick folds.

Lola’s body jerked and she let out a throaty moan. Alex bit back a satisfied grin, instead focusing on the bounty before him.

“You’re wet.”

“It’s all you,” she said as one of her hands plowed through his hair, ruffling it. “I like you all disheveled. It’s really sexy, Alex. An alter-ego.”

“And you’re the only one who knows about it,” he assured her. He’d never been out of control like this before. Never so revved. Never so reckless. But this was what he’d fantasized about—not what he’d engaged in with the women he’d dated. Everything happening between him and Lola was strictly related to secret desires wrapped solely around her.

The very reason why he’d never done more than casually date. Because he’d innately known she was the only one who’d get him going like this, the only one he wanted to get his wicked on with.

His head dipped and he flicked the tip of his tongue over her clit. Slowly at first, but then he got caught up in the taste and smell of her and the flicking became a quick flutter against the pearl between her legs.

“Oh… oh, Alex.” Her fingers tightened around the strands of his hair.

He suckled her pussy lips, tugging gently. Her breath hitched.

“That’s fantastic,” she murmured. “Better than ever.”

“You taste so damn good, Lo.”

“Alex.” She whimpered provocatively. “Chess club presidents don’t talk like that. You realize how exciting I find it that you do?”

“You inspire me.” That was all he said. His attention returned to her glistening lips and the little pink bud that beckoned him.

His head dipped and he worked her feverishly, alternating between the teasing, fluttering licks and the determined, frenzied suckles, until she panted harshly. She flattened a hand on the bed, to hold herself steady, he presumed, as her hips lifted and rolled. She pressed against his mouth.

He eased a finger inside and stroked quickly as he continued tonguing her.

“That’s perfect, Alex. So very, very perfect.”

A second finger plunged into her. Her back arched. Her breath came in staccato beats. Then he felt her tremors start.

“Oh, fuck, yes. Oh, God. Alex!” Her body shook as she came. More erotically stirring sounds fell from her lips, making his cock throb.

He let her ride the wave. Then he rocked back on his heels and grinned at her while she breathed heavily, her eyes popping in surprise, as though she’d not expected him to get her off this way. Of course, she didn’t know he’d fantasized about it for his entire adult life.

Still grinning, he said, “I could lick your pussy all night.”

She blushed again.


His ego ratcheted a few notches.

He was mesmerized by her as she gazed at him from under long, sooty lashes, still looking as though she was reeling from what either had to be natural talent on his part, or the result of a gazillion dreams of going down on her, because he hadn’t tried that before. The women he’d dated weren’t exactly experimental… nor quite so responsive. Lola’s passionate reaction to everything he did to her was refreshing and addictive. It made him want to pull out all the stops, employ every little trick in the book to keep her coming.

Finally, she said, “You certainly know your way around a woman’s erogenous zones.”