Sam said, “See? She’s a tough girl.”

Ruby overhead them as she delivered two of Pietro’s specials. “You talking about Reese?”

Caleb nodded.

“That woman knows how to bounce back. She’s pure heart and anyone who messes with her going forward won’t be endearing himself to the rest of us.” She gave him a pointed look.

With a laugh, Caleb said, “You can be damn sure I’m not going to be on your list, Ruby. I’m nuts about her.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Caleb and Sam ate in silence, then Ruby returned. She handed over their check and a small box. “It’s Reese’s favorite. Raspberry swirl cheesecake. On me. Tell her I said ‘hell yeah’ to the way she put Tommy in his place this morning.”

“Ah, to have witnessed it,” Sam said. “I knew she was feisty when I met her.”

They left the restaurant and returned to the B&B. Though the sun had set, Sam told him he’d wash the trucks and Reese showed him where she kept the supplies in the shed. He volunteered to wash her car too.

As she settled at the table to enjoy her dessert, Caleb turned a chair around and straddled it.

He said, “I heard what happened at the diner. Everyone’s talking about how you publically confronted Tommy.”

“I didn’t have much to say, but it did take me too long to get around to telling him off.”

“I don’t know. Sometimes you have to reach the breaking point. Something snaps and you fully grasp you either have to take the bull by the horns or catch a tip in the ass.”

She laughed. “I have a few scars.”

“Yeah, me too.” He thought about the dinner his mother wanted him to attend, and something new occurred to him. “I think I’m being tested by my parents. They’re poking at me, as though they’re trying to see how serious I am about the ranch before they’ll accept my decision. And that likely holds true with Missy. If they keep thrusting her upon me and I bite out of courtesy, I’ll never be free of her.”

Reese set aside her fork. “Maybe you ought to give serious consideration to that relationship. You two go way back, as she said. And she’s a good fit for you.”

He speared her with a look. “Are you dumping me?”

She inhaled slowly, then blew out a long breath. She didn’t say anything for a few tense seconds and it made him anxious. He was about to do whatever he had to in order to talk some sense into her when she said, “I had it in my head last night on the way home that I’ve been fighting to hang on to things too much lately. This house. The antiques passed down from my family. My dignity. To tell you the truth, I’m tired of all the battles.”

He sighed. “I can understand that. Yet didn’t you feel even a small surge of power when you walked into my parents’ house and knew you looked as good as everyone else? Better, even? What about the way you handled yourself? I didn’t see slumped shoulders or a meek expression on your face. In fact, I never even saw uncertainty in your eyes. You evaluated the situation you were in and you acted appropriately. I respected you before the party, but afterward… Damn, Reese. You do not let anyone or anything get you down for long. As Ruby said earlier to me, you bounce back. That’s one of the many things I adore about you.”

“Caleb,” she said, “I’m not ever going to be high socie

ty or flamboyant or anything other than small town. Who I am suits me. If it’s not good enough for someone else…” She shrugged. “I’m not going to keep borrowing clothes from Liza to make an impression. I did it the first time, because I knew it was important. But now your parents know about me and they know who am I and what I do. So from here on out, I’m just going to be me.”

“That’s fine with me, darlin’. That’s all I’ve wanted for myself too. Remember?” He tapped his fingers on the table, then added, “But you still haven’t answered my question.”

She pushed her half-eaten cheesecake his way. “I can’t dump you just yet.” Her tense expression turned to a teasing one as she said, “We still have a couple condoms left.”

He ignored the dessert, kissing her instead. When they came up for a breath, he said, “You’re making me fall hard and fast.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

Giving some thought to this, he stepped off another cliff. “You know, I’m building a cottage nestled in the trees and overlooking the lake. If this house is grinding your nerves, you can move in with me. Sam’s building his own place. Maybe he’ll meet someone…”

“Or perhaps someone will come find him.”

Caleb’s brow raised. “You’re not thinking of matchmaking, are you?”

“No. But fate can sometimes lend a hand. I’ve recently learned that.”

He kissed her again, then said, “I have a plan for us. If you’re game.”