She nibbled her lip a moment, then shrugged. “I trust you.”

“Good. We’re going to dinner Tuesday night in Dallas. Put this whole fiasco behind us before it escalates.”

“You know what you’re doing?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

* * * * *

Reese was full of nervous anxiety as Caleb pulled his truck into the parking lot of the fancy restaurant his parents had chosen for the evening. He’d passed on use of the Lear in lieu of driving them the four hours. He’d also told her he’d booked a hotel room for them so they didn’t have to worry about heading back later in the evening.

She forced herself not to wring her hands as they were escorted to the private dining room at the back of the restaurant. Flowers and candles accented the intimate area reserved for the small party. Caleb and Missy’s parents were already seated, as was Missy. An empty chair remained.

Apprehension gripped Reese, particularly as everyone at the table stared at her, all clearly wondering what the hell she was doing there. And in black slacks and a silver, satin blouse, no less. They were all done up in dresses and suits.

Caleb was quick to jump in. “‘Evening, everyone. Mom, Dad, Missy—you remember Reese?” He turned to the Burtons. “I apologize for not introducing you to her at the party. I didn’t quite make the rounds. Family business and all. This is Reese Middleton from Wilder.”

He turned to Reese and said, “Harland and Eleanor Burton.”

“Lovely to meet you,” she said as they stood and she shook their hands. “And so nice to see all of you again.”

Caleb grabbed the maitre d’ before he left the room. “We’ll need two more place settings, if you don’t mind.” He asked Missy, “Your date will be joining us?”

“Caleb,” his mother ground out. “It was to be the six of us.”

Reese fought the natural compulsion to slink from the room.

He said, “You made it sound as though this was a couples’ dinner when we spoke on the phone.” He snaked an arm around Reese’s waist and said, “We are a couple. And Sam and I are rescuing horses in Wilder, regardless of what anyone has to say about it.”

He’d clearly proven his stance on both subjects, though it created even more tension in the private dining room.

Judith obviously wasn’t pleased but Jake seemed to look at his son with a hint of respect for standing up to everyone.

Endless moments ticked by, then Judith resigned herself to the situation. She said, “Henry, just one additional place setting, please.”

“Actually,” Missy said as she pushed her chair back. “You can have my seat, Reese. I just remembered I have somewhere to be.” She kissed both sets of parents on their cheeks, then rounded the table and approached Caleb. “I’m not interested in the animal shelter, and you are clearly not backing down from that idea.” She held her arms out as though in surrender. “And I most definitely do not belong in Wilder.”

She turned her attention on Reese. Leaning in, she whispered, “I’m starting to think you’ve saved me.” She winked, then said to everyone else, “Enjoy dinner!”

Missy swept out of the room with a dramatic flair, leaving the lingering scent of an expensive perfume.

The dining arrangements were uncomfortable, but a shift in the air made them tolerable. The Burtons actually inquired about Caleb’s progress at the ranch and his parents were shockingly impressed as they finally listened to him. Reese couldn’t have been happier, especially as Caleb moved in close and kissed her under the ear, in that special spot only he knew turned her on.

“See, darlin’?,” he whispered. “I told you it’d all work out.”

A new man, a new romance, a new future… What more could she ask for?

Well, there was one thing…

After dinner, Caleb dropped their bags on the bench that ran the width of the king bed in their hotel room.

She hugged him and said, “Thank you for not booking us into the Four Seasons or the Ritz-Carlton. Think I’ve exceeded my opulence quota for the year.”

“Today marked the New Year, remember? You’ll have to reset your tolerance level, because something tells me Ginger and Ryan’s wedding is going to push the boundaries of opulence.”

She winced. “You heard about the foie gras terrine appetizers to be passed with champagne as the guests arrive?”

“No, I did not hear that. Though Ryan told me about the butterflies to be released upon Ginger’s request at the end of the ceremony. And apparently Jess told him she outdid herself when she’d created an even more ridiculous bouquet of flowers for you, so Ryan has asked her to basically cover the grounds with floral arrangements and oversize hurricanes with candles.”