Caleb felt confident he had everything under control.

* * * * *

Liza had once been immersed in Manhattan society and Reese knew she was the person to consult when it came to glamming it up for a big to-do. Not to mention, they were the same size.

Although she would certainly heed Caleb and Sam’s warning—and stay true to herself—she knew she’d have more confidence if she appeared a little closer to fitting in with Caleb’s family.

Liza threw open the double doors to her closet and said, “Take your pick!”

“Good grief, girlfriend.” Reese shook her head as she stepped inside. “This isn’t a closet—it’s a celebrity-sized dressing room.”

“Jack knocked down the wall to the adjoining spare bedroom and added all the shelves and racks and jewelry towers. He didn’t realize I’d only brought a couple bags of clothes with me when I left New York. Everything else had gone into storage while I decided whether to stay in Texas. Once I’d shipped the rest of my wardrobe here, it was quite clear I’d run him out of his own closet if he didn’t make room for me.”

“You’d need every inch of storage space in this house if he hadn’t built this area for you.”

“True. Now, what are you looking for?”

She’d told Liza when she’d phoned earlier that she needed a dress for a Dallas society party. She said, “It’s black tie optional, but Caleb is wearing a tux, so I need formal.”

“Back wall,” she said with a gesture of her hand.

Reese’s gaze swept over the gowns. On her way to the far wall, she pulled out a stunning turquoise dress with a bejeweled collar.

Liza laughed at the selection. “I love that dress. The first time I wore it in town, though, Lydia called me a disco ball at a wake.”

“I see you didn’t mind. You’ve worn it on a few other occasions.”

With a shrug, she said, “What are you going to do? Let one person’s narrow-mindedness get you down?”

“Interesting you should mention that.” Reese crossed to the back of the room and inspected the vast inventory. “Apparently Caleb’s ultra-snobby family likes to pick at roadkill like swarming vultures.”


“The thing is, I know their kind. Remember I said that at the flower shop? I have no desire to get wrapped up in society life. I dated a boy from Austin when I was in high school. He came from a wealthy family. While money does solve common woes, it for sure doesn’t make you a happy person. His parents were miserable. Slaves to their ambition and greed. I started to see that in him too, and I’ve got say, it’s not a pretty side of human nature.”

“I hear you, sister. I let my mother and my boyfriend in Manhattan drag me through the society mud. It’s not worth it. I like the simple life Jack and I have. I vamp it up when I want to but I’ve come to prefer jeans and boots to skirts and high heels.”

“You still look as though you’re worth a million bucks.”

She laughed. “Oh if only I were!” Joining Reese in front of the long rack, she added, “Hey, this red gown would be sensational on you.” She held it up.

Reese’s fingers skimmed over the satin material. “This is stunning.” And extremely tempting. But Sam’s words flashed in her mind. “I’m supposed to be myself though. Supposedly that’s the way to stand your ground with this group.”

Eyeing a black dress, Reese pulled it from the rack. “This is more like it. Nothing flashy, but definitely a statement piece.”

She held it against her body. The one-shouldered gown had an artistic scoop above the right breast. The bodice appeared to be formfitting but the skirt flared slightly just below the hips and swirled around her feet.

Liza said, “Perfect choice.” She retrieved the appropriate shoes. “Size eight.”

Reese frowned. “I wear an eight and a half.”

“Not tonight.” She set the shoes on the long bureau of drawers lined up in the center of the room. “I have jewelry for that dress. Let me get everything from Jack’s gun safe. They’re real diamonds.”

“Whoa! No, no, no!”

With an exasperated look, Liza said, “You can still be yourself and wear Valentino and diamonds.”

She disappeared out the double doors. Reese started to panic.