Trying to slow her breath that came in staccato beats, she told herself, “It’s just a party. Be cool.”

While Liza raided the safe, Reese tried the dress on. She stood in front of the full-length, three-way mirror and couldn’t deny she’d selected the right gown for the evening. Liza returned and set a box on top of the bureau. Then she clasped her hands together as she eyed Reese.

“You are going to make jaws drop and tongues wag.”

“That’s not exactly the impression I’m trying to make. I just don’t want to look like a country bumpkin.”

“Trust me, you were meant to shine. Now for some added bling.”

She pulled out a wide, diamond-encrusted bangle and snapped it closed around Reese’s right wrist, over the long black sleeve. Then she added a gorgeous rock to the middle finger of her left hand. Chandelier earrings followed, along with a very simple necklace with a tear-shaped diamond. All of the settings were platinum.

“Holy Moses,” Reese said. “Exactly how much money am I wearing?”

“Don’t worry about it. Every piece is insured and besides, they were gifts from Peter, my asshole ex. Trust me when I say they have no sentimental value. In fact, I put them away because I never wear them, but now I’m thinking I may as well sell them.”

“I don’t know about this, Liza. I’m going to be worrying all night whether I’ve lost an earring.”

“Stop.” She waved a hand in the air. “I know the society types too. They’ll at least be impressed by the effort you put forth. That’ll make them interested in knowing more about you. Once they start talking to you… Well, you’ll win them over in a heartbeat.”

“You really are a good friend.” She hugged her. “Delusional, but a good friend.”

“Just keep your chin up and look everyone in the eye. That’s crucial.”

“Why do I feel as though I’m covered in fresh blood and sharks are circling?”

“They may very well be. But word around town is that you and Caleb are super-hot for each other. He’s worth the trouble, right?”

“I’m sure that word was spread by Tommy.” She shook her head. “If only he’d stayed in Corpus Christi.”

“No sense in wishful thinking. Just ignore him and focus on what you have. From what I’ve seen when you and Caleb are together, he must’ve fallen the moment he laid eyes on you.”

Reese’s toes curled in her too-tight shoes. “Don’t say that. You’ll jinx us.”

“Not a chance.” She paused, then something seemed to occur to her. “Oh! I forgot…” She rooted through the endless supply of purses and produced a black satin-covered clutch with decorative rhinestones on the latch. “Carry this in your left hand. The black accent at the end of your bare arm will balance out the black sleeve on the right arm. Little trick I picked up from a celebrity stylist.”

“I can’t thank you enough for all of this.”

“Oh please. It’s absolutely ridiculous that I keep all this stuff.”

“You wear some of it.”

“Yes, and get the sideways glances that make me feel as though I’m an extraterrestrial who’s invaded Wilder.”

Reese laughed. “That’s sheer jealousy from the women and pure lust from the men.”

“Or I’m just a fish out of water.”

“Being misplaced suits you fine. I hope I can say the same about me, just in the opposite vein. I’ll be the non-society girl in this scenario.”

“It’ll be okay. Caleb doesn’t strike me as the type who’d invite you if he didn’t think you could handle it. Clearly he wants you with him.”

“He is very sweet,” she said, her stomach fluttering at the thought of him. “I swear I was convinced I’d had my one shot at love with Tommy—and obviously wasn’t meant to enjoy it for long. Then Caleb came to town and… I don’t know. He’s better than a fresh, summer breeze blowing through the house. He just lights up every room, every part of my life, really.”

Liza whistled. “You’ve got it bad. Good for you.”

“Oh sure. Apparently when it comes to his family, there are huge odds stacked against us. And that’s a good thing?”

“Overcoming the obstacles is what makes it all worthwhile. I almost left town because of Lydia, remember? But I didn’t have the heart to leave Jack.”