A tinge of embarrassment crept up on her. “Even with all my inner turmoil? And let’s not forget the age difference.”

“It’s just a number, sweetheart. I’ve struggled my whole life with being too mature for the age listed on my birth certificate. It’s frustrating. Don’t think twice about it.”

She brushed a lock of dark brown hair from his forehead. “You really are a gem.”

“I just want to be me, Reese. Not someone’s idea of who I’m supposed to be.”

With a slight shake of her head, she said, “I can’t imagine anyone wanting to change you.”

His laugh was a hollow one. His brow furrowed and she instantly smoothed her thumb over the crease above his nose.

He stared deep into her eyes and told her, “I swear I’ve never met another woman like you.”

“One woman’s idiocy and all that…” She loosely quoted his earlier sentiment.

“Yeah.” He grinned at her, every sign of dismay that had come with his previous comments about people wanting to change him vanishing. “God, you are such a treat.”

Words couldn’t describe how wonderful it felt to finally be appreciated. Cherished, even. Whoever screwed him over deserved a swift kick in the butt.

Reese kissed him, wanting to convey not only how grateful she was to have met a stand-up guy, but how willing she was to be a stand-up girl for him. She’d more than changed her mind about her one-night proposition. Admittedly, it felt as though there was something significant enough between them—from the onset of their meeting—to give this budding romance a chance.

He massaged her breasts, amping up her excitement. He fell back against the pile of pillows, bringing her with him. Sliding his hands around to her backside, he held her in an embrace that kept her pressed tightly to him.

“I want to make you come again and again,” he told her.

She sighed. “How lucky am I?”

His bare skin against hers felt heavenly. Finally, she was drowning in the sexual bliss that had eluded her for so long.

She whispered in the dark, “I’d given up. I really and truly had given up on ever feeling like thi—”

A harsh rap on the door made her jerk upright. Caleb’s arms fell away. Her head whipped in the direction of the private entrance as an ominous sensation slithered down her spine.

Climbing off the hunky cowboy, she grabbed her sweater and slipped into it, pulling it tight around her body.

Caleb said, “Don’t answer it. Let me.” He swung his long legs over the edge of the bed.

“No worries.” She held a hand up to stop him. “Could just be a neighbor checking on me. I haven’t had a guest in a while.” Though the prickle at the nape of her neck told her otherwise.

She pulled open the door and her stomach dropped to her knees.


Chapter Four

Panic mixed with her tension as Reese stared at her ex-husband, a pissed-off expression on his face. She stepped outside and closed the door behind her.

“I’ve been ringing the bell out front for five minutes. What the fuck?” he demanded. Reese caught the hint of alcohol on his breath and cringed inwardly.

“What do you want?”

“I need to talk to you.” He glanced past her shoulder and then speared her with a hard look. “What the hell’s going on in there?”

“Nothing. Go away. You don’t live here anymore.”

“Reese, baby.” His dark eyes pleaded with her. “I need a place to crash.”

“You’re supposed to be with Amy in Corpus Christi.” Her teeth ground together. “If you fucked that up and have come back here to grovel, sell your story walking. I’m not buying.”