The door behind her opened and Reese rolled her eyes. Jesus, of all things… She hardly needed Caleb to witness this exchange.

“Who are you?” Tommy asked in the sort of tone that suggested he had the right to know. He didn’t.

“None of your business,” she said. “Now leave my guest alone and stay away from this door and the front one, or I’ll call Deputy Bain to personally escort you off my property.”

“Your property?” One of his black brows lifted.

“You heard me correctly. And you read the divorce papers. If you’d like me to add a restraining order to the stack, I’ll happily file one first thing Monday morning.”

“Whoa, babe, come on.” He held his hands up as though in surrender. “Let’s not get testy. I just need someplace to spend the night.”


all the nerve!

Reese’s anger kicked into high gear. “Amy dumped you, did she? Too bad, you deserved each other.”

“Just let me take one of the spare bedrooms.”

“Not a chance in hell,” she said in a slow, measured tone. “Off my property. Now.”

“You know, Reese,” he told her as he crossed his arms over his chest, clearly agitated anew. “People are already talking about you. And you.” He jerked his chin up, indicating Caleb.

Her heart sank. “There’s nothing for them to talk about, Tommy.”

“Really?” His gaze slid over her likely disheveled appearance as she shivered from the cold air and the more frigid look he gave her. “’Cause I can see there’s something going on here. And I gotta say, babe, you screwing a paying guest… That just makes you a whore, doesn’t it?”

Fury rose within her. With one hand holding her sweater together, she raised the other and slapped him. Hard. Unfortunately he recovered quickly and grabbed her wrist, nearly crushing it in his death grip. She let out a small cry of agony.

“Let her go.” Caleb swooped in, his fingertips digging into Tommy’s forearm. Apparently so deep, she felt her ex’s hand shake before he released her. “And don’t ever touch her again.”

“You’d be wise to stay out of this,” Tommy said.

Caleb didn’t back down. He stood a good three inches taller than Reese’s ex and was much broader and stronger from head to toe. “You’re clearly not welcomed here. And I’m not going anywhere, so I suggest you do as the lady asked and get the hell off her property.”

Tommy narrowed his eyes on Caleb, who’d thankfully put his shirt on before coming outside. Caleb didn’t budge. He didn’t even flinch.

Reese said, “Do it, Tommy. You don’t want the sheriff and his deputies breathing down your neck any more than you want the trouble you’re about to invite into your life.”

She didn’t doubt for a minute the knight in shining armor standing behind her would defend her honor. He was that kind of man.

Not that she wanted Caleb involved in this nasty aftermath of her divorce. But she’d deal with that later.

Tommy stood his ground for another minute or so, then abruptly turned away. He stalked down the path that led to the parking lot.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Caleb took her hand and led her back into the house, locking the door behind them.

“How’s your wrist?” he asked.

“It’ll be fine.” She tried to keep her tone even, though mortification immediately set in. “I am so sorry about that bizarre incident.”

Of all the nights for Tommy to return to town… Or had he been there much longer? Holed up with friends until they’d tired of his mooching and had kicked his ass out? Obviously he’d spoken with someone who’d seen her with Caleb at dinner or at the saloon. And what? He didn’t like the fact she’d finally moved on from him?


Unable to make eye contact with Caleb, she bustled around the room, collecting her bra and tank top. The mood had clearly been spoiled.

He gently placed a hand on her arm and said, “No rushing out on me. What just happened is not your fault.”