To any of them. But her love was deep-seated. And it was unshakable.

So Jewel had to believe that whatever it was they felt for her, be it love or just lust, they could accept that she was torn. That she really and truly could not choose between them.

Wanted and needed them both. Physically and emotionally.

Which brought her right back to her question.

Double penetration.

Why did it lure her so?

Because it seemed so forbidden?

Because it would take everything between them to a higher level—and give her even greater pleasure?

Or … because it would fully join the three of them?

Jewel wasn’t sure. In the back of her mind, she knew a onetime ménage held the connotation of something fun and daring. To continually have sex with two men at the same time became a riskier endeavor. And to have them both inside her at the same moment?

She stifled a small moan at the notion—and the inherent visual that flashed in her mind. It’d only make Rogen and Vin tenser.

And again … while the idea of having them both inside her was thrilling, the reality—the mechanics, as she’d thought of it earlier—was a bit trickier to digest.

Vin, sitting diagonal to her, stashed his new issue of Forbes magazine into the side pocket on the wall next to his window seat. He said, “As both Rogen and I have mentioned, it’s a tight fit no matter how we fuck you. So chances are very good that, together, we’d be too much for you.”

She stared at him, not quite ready to back down. Not quite ready to tuck the idea away. Mostly because it intrigued and excited her. But also because there was a fire flaring in Vin’s emerald eyes over this particular topic.

Her suggestion got him going as much as it did her.

Yet he told her, “I’m willing to try new things with you, baby, but cautiously. So that you don’t get hurt.”

“Then we’ll be cautious,” she said.

Rogen pushed out of his seat and paced the aisle. Raked a hand through his hair. As usual, her stomach fluttered at the sight of his rock-hard biceps straining the hem of his T-shirt.

Vin asked her, “Where’d this idea come from? Because this time, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Rogen.”

She tore her gaze from the hunky man pacing the aisle. “I read books,” she told Vin. “But more than that … it’s about the two of you surrounding me, filling me.” Jewel sighed. “Maybe I can’t explain it. I just feel so complete when I’ve got the two of you wrapped around me. Touching me. Kissing me.”

She threw off her seat belt and stood. Interrupted Rogen’s path and placed her hands on his obliques.

“Stop looking so agitated,” she quietly said. “It was a question to be pondered. Not something to eat away at you.” Jewel kissed him.

Rogen groaned. “Sweetheart, Vin’s right about it potentially being painful for you, physically. Neither one of us wants to hurt you.”

Her heart wrenched. Her expression softened. “I know that. And if I asked you to stop, you’d stop.” She turned toward the seats and said to Vin, “You’d stop.”

“Of course we’d stop,” he all but snapped. A bit on the alligatorish side.

“So,” she said as she returned to her chair, knowing when to let a suggestion simmer, rather than harp on it. “I’ll just leave you to your thoughts.”

She grabbed her laptop, opened the lid, and went back to work.

* * *

Vin shook his head. Snatched his magazine from the side pocket. Tried to focus on an article he’d been reading when Jewel had tossed out yet another erotic proposal.

Granted, it wasn’t as though he hadn’t already considered the possibility. How could he not be thinking two steps down the line? The truth was, they all got so caught up in their heated moments. And for Vin, it didn’t center personally on him but on pleasuring Jewel. He was sure Rogen felt similarly.