Vin could make a lot of sacrifices for her, a lot of concessions. He wasn’t the hotheaded teen who’d taken off when he’d learned she’d secretly visited Rogen at Trinity. Not that Vin was mild mannered now—not by any stretch of the imagination. But since that night of the gala, when she’d bedazzled him with her beauty and then ignited his internal fire with her impassioned slap, he’d been caught in a maelstrom of blazing desire and soul-stirring need.

And here she’d thrust him into yet another realm.

More contradictory feelings clawed at him. Vin wasn’t accustomed to letting hints of the direction someone else wanted to take guide his actions. He had his own agenda, his own will. Tended to stay the course.

For Jewel, he feared he’d hop off the road paved for him every chance he got. Not wise. And to take the unbeaten path with Rogen? Shit. That was putting a lifelong friendship on the line, wasn’t it?

Yet as Rogen appeared equally unsettled, Vin suspected he, too, deliberated over how much further they should go with this ménage. And probably felt just as anchored to it as Vin and Jewel did. Because in all honesty, the three had always been anchored to one another.

* * *

Jewel was eager to reach New York City and see Bayli, whom she’d sent a car for so that Bayli could meet the jet at a private airport.

Jewel stepped off the plane and gave Bayli a tight hug. “God, you’re more beautiful than I remember!”

Bayli laughed. “Oh, stop. You saw me in River Cross a week ago. And on video on Thursday.” She squeezed back, then said, “What the hell am I saying? I could use the compliments. Tell me more!”

Jewel laughed. “Okay, I won’t gush. But seriously. There is a very distinct glow to you that I’ve never noticed before.”

“I told you, it’s this city. I swear it has enough energy to light up the world—if only there was a way to channel it all.”

“Through you, clearly. Wow, Bay. I’m just … blown away.”

She nodded, suddenly looking a little guilty. “It’s because I felt so stifled in California. I couldn’t make anything happen for me there and I was always so tethered to my mom’s needs, God rest her soul. I hated leaving her side even to just run to the grocery store or the pharmacy for her meds. Like stepping away from her for a half hour would torment me for the rest of my life if anything happened to her on my watch. If I wasn’t there when … Well.” She glanced away. “You know.”

“Aw, Bay.” Jewel stroked her cheek. “You did everything you could. But she wasn’t well.”

“And no amount of money could save her, I know. The million times your family and the Angelinis offered to pay for her care were deeply appreciated. But when her doctors said she was just too weak for another surgery … the only thing I could do was keep her company and try to alleviate some of her pain.”

“You did just that. And now, Bay, it’s your time to shine.”


well.” Bayli choked on a small sob. Cleared her throat and swiped at a few tears. “Still undiscovered.”

Jewel laughed softly. “You’ve been here a week, sweetie. I’d say give it two or three more days and all your dreams will come true. You’ll probably be discovered in Central Park while selling gelato. That seems apropos for this city.”

“From your lips to God’s ears, my friend.” She hugged Jewel again. “I really am glad to see you. I just didn’t know you’d have company.” She glanced around Jewel’s shoulder and then fanned her face. “Amazingly hot company.”

“Yes. They do provide nonstop stimulation.” More than she’d ever share with Bayli. “Anyway, I brought you a little something to thank you immensely for your help with this deal-making mission I’m on.”

“Jewel, I told you from the beginning, this is something I enjoy doing. Escapism, if you will. Something that my mind can grind over so I don’t think about anything too depressing.”

“And every time I try to compensate you, you turn me down.”

“That’s not true,” Bayli contended. “I’ve never turned down dinner at an expensive restaurant in San Francisco with fancy champagne.”

“Those things are barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to expressing my gratitude. So, I want you to take this.” She handed over one of the cashier’s checks from the Bellagio. “I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

Bayli’s gaze fell to the slip of paper she held. Her eyes popped and her jaw dropped.

Jewel smiled.

“Oh! Jesus Christ!” Bayli’s gaze snapped up. Locked on Jewel. “No fucking way.”

“Way. Take it.”

“Jewel! This is ten thousand dollars!”