“I’m not your legal counsel, Jewel.” He shot Rogen a look and started to mouth, Do not include—

“He’ll come,” Rogen told her. “Vin wouldn’t want me to spend an entire weekend alone with you.” He jerked a brow as he stared at Vin. “Would you?”

“You crazy fucks,” Vin growled. Then said, “My apologies, Cameron.”

“No offense taken,” the assistant replied. “I’m used to it. She has Bayli and Scarlet on speaker all the time. I’m well acclimated.”

“Fantastic,” Vin deadpanned.

“So,” Jewel jumped on Rogen’s hasty decision-making. “I’ll have Cameron e-mail you both the itinerary. We leave at one o’clock from CE’s private hangar. I anticipate we’ll be back on Tuesday.”

“Okay by me,” Rogen said. Then considered that perhaps he was getting ahead of himself. He and Vin should probably talk this out. Rogen did not think of their threesome as a mere fling, like all the others. This was Jewel. Their ultimate fantasy woman. A woman he could actually envision them having a permanent relationship with.

Question was, could Jewel handle that sort of arrangement?

Rogen mentally shook his head. He had no answers and it was entirely possible they were all digging a deeper hole for themselves. But the idea of a long weekend with Jewel was too enticing to pass up.

Damn, it’d been exciting watching Vin fuck her. Seeing her so caught up in lust, listening to her moan, stroking her clit, staring into her eyes when she came … That had all been seriously arousing. Had made Rogen harder than ever before. And knowing they were both giving her something she’d never had … well, that had been damn thrilling, too.

There were inherent risks to the situation, no lie there. But his dick had exploded like nothing he’d experienced with any other woman. That was the sane thing to latch on to. Not all the messy emotional stuff.

For now.

Vin appeared ready to throttle Rogen for roping him into the trip, but he said, “I’ll clear my schedule.”

Rogen saw the e-mail from Cameron come through and he opened the itinerary. Scanned it. “Interesting combo—we’ll bring tuxedos and shorts.”

“Perfect,” Jewel said. “I’ll see you both tomorrow at one.” The line went dead.

Vin ground his teeth for a moment, then asked, “What are you planning on telling your father about this impromptu scavenger hunt?”

Rogen flashed a grin. “That we’re going deep-sea fishing. Cabo’s our first stop.” He hit print and handed a copy to Vin. “I haven’t seen Jewel in a bikini since we were sixteen. Now that she’s all shapely and womanly…” He sucked in a breath. “I guess you ought to bring a full box of condoms.”

Vin’s jaw worked. “This really isn’t the best approach when it comes to her. We should discuss this.”

Rogen rounded his desk and clasped his best friend on the shoulder. “I agree. And we will. But first, let’s go get the scotch and set this deal in motion. Then we’ll figure out where everything stands.”

Vin eyed him curiously. Perhaps suspiciously? “You think she’s going to choose, don’t you?”

“I’m not exactly sure what’s currently on her mind. And I’m not saying that I want her to choose.”

They stared at each other.

Rogen added, “Though it’s likely the only viable solution. I mean, could she really handle having both of us in her life—in the way we want her?”

Vin scowled. “It would be a bit unorthodox. Neither of us knows her well enough in her adulthood to say whether or not she’s cool with an unconventional relationship, now do we?”

“No, we do not. So maybe we can try to figure it out. By the way…” The corner of his mouth hitched again. “Guarantee I’ll garner her sympathy during this trip, what with the split lip and all.”

“Bastard,” Vin said on a low chuckle. “You are just too much of a scoundrel for your own good.”

“Look,” Rogen told him, turning serious. “I don’t know what the fuck is going to happen with the three of us tomorrow or Tuesday or ten years from now. All I know is that we’ve both waited a long time to get back together with Jewel and she wants us both. Is it sensible for the two of us to get so deeply involved with the same woman? Hell, no. But has it been happening our entire lives with Jewel? Yes. So. Just … chill for the time being and let’s see where this takes us.”

“Not exactly wise counsel,” Vin warned.

“We’ve survived a lifetime friendship being in love with Jewel. We can survive this.”
