Rogen sighed. “Lane, it’s perfectly acceptable to call me Rogen. ‘Mr. Angelini’ can be reserved for my father.” Rogen had only told her a hundred times in the six months he’d been in the River Cross office.

“Yes, Mr. Angelini. Now, I have a Miss Catalano on line four. Would you like to take it?”

Rogen and Vin exchanged a look. Vin appeared a bit peeved that Jewel had phoned Rogen, not him. Rogen fought the triumphant grin. If they turned this into a competition, there would be worse damage than a split lip and bruised knuckles. He had no doubt.

“Yes, I’ll take it. Thank you, Lane.”

Vin irritably said, “I’ll give you two some privacy.”

“Wait. This could be about our business deal.”

“Which I’m not getting involved with,” Vin reminded him. “Thought I’d made that perfectly clear.”

“I’m also guessing you’ve always believed sharing Jewel for the evening was never an option,” Rogen pointed out. “Way to stick to your guns, bro.”


Rogen snickered. “Let’s face it. Since she blew back into our lives, it became an inevitability.” He snatched the receiver and hit the button for line four. “Hey, sweetheart.”

“Hey yourself,” she said in her sultry tone. “I tried Vin’s office, but he’s not there. I wanted to ask him to reconsider his position on helping us.”

Rogen told her, “Vin’s here in my office.”

“Oh, great. Can you put me on speaker?”

He pressed the button and returned the receiver to its cradle. “We’re live.”

“Wonderful.” Her excited tone echoed in the cavernous room. “Hi, Vin.”


“I called you first, but apparently the two of you are in a powwow.”

Unlike Rogen, Vin didn’t temper his gloating. “Isn’t that sweet?” he said to Rogen. “She called me first.”

“Wait’ll you hear why,” Rogen lobbed back.

“Get right to it, Jewel,” Vin told her, his shoulders bunching—because he knew she was about to test his resolve.

Rogen was relieved Vin didn’t use a term of endearment with her to piss him off. Although he didn’t miss the tension in Vin’s voice. This was definitely a new dynamic they’d all have to get used to.

“So,” Jewel said, “I have a proposition for the two of you.”

Vin smirked, despite her not being able to see it. “Thought we covered that last night.”

Jewel let out a soft, somewhat anxious-sounding laugh. “That’s not why I’m calling. This is business.”

“Then you don’t need me,” Vin contended. “Call me when you’re looking for someone to hitch your skirt up and take you from—?


“Vin!” she scolded. “I’m on speaker in my office. With. My. Assistant.”

Rogen snorted.

Unfazed, Vin said, “Fine. What’s the proposition?”

“Well…” She suddenly sounded more tentative. “I was just finalizing some details with Cameron before I head out for the weekend to collect a few items that will lead me to the scotch we need for our deal with Rogen’s father and I thought that maybe you’d like to go with me. Both of you. Rogen, as my business associate. Vin, as our legal counsel.”