Davian had her out of her clothes within seconds. Then he stretched on her bed, not quite fitting, as he’d suspected. He pulled her down on top of him, grabbed a fistful of blanket and sheet and tugged, yanking the linen from the other side of the bed to them, so it covered her.

He kissed her as his hands roamed her body. Her skin against his felt incredible and he knew he’d be hard for her in no time flat, demon recovery being what it was, and also because she so easily excited him.

Breaking their kiss, she straddled his hips and sat up. His hands moved to her breasts, palming them and squeezing the full mounds before teasing the already puckered nipples.

“You in the firelight…” he murmured. “You’re so much more gorgeous and sensuous in person than I can conjure in my mind.”

“So I’m not the only one fantasizing? You’re thinking of me too?”

“All the time.” Not an admission that helped their plight, he realized. But a genuine one.

She said, “I keep telling myself there’s no point to it. But then you mystically appear in my mind, despite my best efforts. Unfortunately, it’s never the same as that first time—since you’re not wittingly participating. It’s just me…”

He guided her forward, until her forearms rested on his wide chest. His hands slid down her back. “I have to stay out of your head, we both know that. Of course, that doesn’t stop me from imagining making love to you. Sometimes it seems so real, so vivid. As though I can truly hear your moans and feel your body against mine.”

“We’ve really dug a hole for ourselves.”

“Yes. But I wouldn’t change anything—pass up the time we’ve had together.”

“Neither would I.” Jade stared into his eyes, her blue gaze glimmering in the flickering light. “No matter how doomed we were from the start. I know now what I really want, and even though I can’t have it, I comprehend the reason I never gave Michael any encouragement over the past eight years is because I innately believed amiable companionship was all we’d share. Even if we’d married and had children, we wouldn’t have experienced this kind of passion.”

“I’m sorry you continually suffer because of me.”

Her lips brushed his once more as she whispered, “Who says I’m suffering right now?”

He snorted. “You don’t always have to let me off the hook.”

“I don’t,” she said. “I’ve demanded explanations from you. But you’ve also freely given ones I have no right to ask for. I appreciate that.”

He kissed her tenderly. “I appreciate that you listen. And try to understand, although you can’t possibly reconcile in your mind the things I’ve done.”

She gave a slight nod. “I have to remain true to my species. You have the same responsibility. But Davian, one thing I’ve always been taught is that humans have killed other humans for centuries. Demons have killed demons. How hypocritical would we all be if we said we fiercely protect our own kind and never turn on them?”

His eyes closed briefly. “Don’t try to justify my actions, Jade.”

“I’ll never be able to condone them. But I can’t condemn you, either. Not knowing how close my race once came to pushing a button that would reduce this planet to an even weaker state than it’s currently in. At least we have fresh air to breathe, rather than inhaling toxins from nuclear bombs that would likely kill survivors within years, if not sooner.”

“You’re well educated in human conflicts. Is that how you can stand to be around me?”

The expression on her face revealed shock that he’d made such a statement. Eventually, however, it morphed into something much less intense. Grinning again—and taking him by surprise—she said, “Perhaps. Not to mention you’re so damn hunky. Downright irresistible.”

His mouth pressed to hers. The sensations she evoked with just a kiss seared his insides. Her lips parted and his tongue delved deep. His groin tightened, his cock thickening—so quickly.

When he dragged his mouth from hers, it skimmed over her jaw and down her throat. His hands gripped her waist and he urged her upward. Her dewy folds slid along his stomach, ratcheting his desire for her. His tongue flicked over her nipple before he suckled the taut peak.

Jade gasped. Her fingers plowed through his hair. Her other forearm rested on the pillow alongside his head. His teeth scraped her tight bud. His tongue soothed it. All the while, she squirmed against him, her moist flesh rubbing along his skin.

Gliding his hand over her backside, he stroked the cleft of her ass, then pushed two fingers into her pussy.

“Yes,” she said on a wisp of air.

His other hand slipped between her parted legs and he vigorously worked the knot of nerves as his fingers pumped into her, while his mouth pleasured her nipple.

A throaty moan fell from her lips. Her spine bowed and he used the extra leverage as she lifted off his lap to stroke her faster.

“Davian. Oh, the things you do to me…”

“I want you to come,” he said against her breast.