“How about we give it a try, anyway,” she suggested.

Her lips brushed over his and his libido sprang back into action. He set her on the mattress and she immediately reached for the hem of his black sweater and stripped off the garment. Her fingers traced the grooves of his abdomen.

“I’ve missed your body,” she murmured, her breath caressing his skin.

As she kissed his stomach and ribs, his fingers threaded her hair.

Jade gazed up at him. “You have to understand that I could never be with another man, Davian. Ever. How could one possibly compare to a king? And no mortal is built like this.”

“I don’t want you to be with anyone else,” he told her. “Nor do I want you to be alone.” A double-edged sword that cut deep.

“I have thoughts and fantasies of us to keep me company. Let’s add to the mental library, shall we?”

She deftly worked the fastenings on his leather pants, peeling the material apart and shoving it down his hips and thighs. He toed off his riding boots and then rid himself of the rest of his clothing.

Her fingers encircled his erect shaft and her head dipped to take him into her mouth.

Davian’s previous musings as to whether she was his punishment for causing so much death and destruction returned to him. No demon should experience the sort of pleasure she gave him. A beautiful human who made love to

him with her mouth and set his pulse racing and his heart soaring… It was unthinkable. And yet, she aroused him instantly and seemed to enjoy stimulating him in this fashion.

The final penalty against him would come when he left her once more. This time for good.

He didn’t want to think of that at the moment. Instead, he swept her hair from her face and watched her tongue trail from base to tip, then swirl around his head, tasting him. His cock throbbed at her intimate touch and her natural instinct. She drew him into her mouth again, taking him deeper this time. His entire body ached for her.

Holding her hair back with one hand, he used the other to guide her palm to his balls. She gently cupped them, pushing him even further into risky territory.

Jade had him worked up in a heartbeat and kept him in a frenzied state. She sucked him hard and a tremor ran through his legs.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” he muttered. “Just like that.”

She continued with the thrilling pace and the massaging of his sac, pushing him to the edge. His hips moved with her rhythm and adrenaline coursed through him. She pulled him into her wet depths as far as she could, eliciting a carnal grunt from him.

“Jade.” He felt it only fair to warn her how close he was to erupting in her mouth.

Her ministrations continued, making him a little lightheaded and a lot turned on. She worked him a few minutes more and then the tremors in his legs crept up his body. His cock pulsed with a wicked beat and surged as he came, Davian calling out her name.

She didn’t shift away. He rode the orgasm while still in her mouth. His heavy breaths were the only sound in the room, save for the crackling of the fire. The heat it provided, in addition to the inferno she easily ignited within him, had drops of perspiration popping along his hairline.

When she finally released him, he chuckled, although it was a rough sound because he still hadn’t gotten his breath back. “You’re entitled to the Cheshire Cat grin.”

Her brows dipped.

“Not familiar with Alice in Wonderland?”


“It’s a fairytale,” he told her. “You should probably read it. You might identify with Alice.”

“My life is hardly a fairytale.”

“It’s not that kind of fairytale.”

“Oh. I’ll ask Lisette about it.”

His fingers brushed her temple. “Still counting the beads she gave you?”

Jade smiled. “We’re good.”