Page 22 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

Kate caught the residual barbed-wire undertone in Jude’s voice, and it tugged at her. She held her ground beside him, though, gazing up at him—a silent acceptance on her part that he was agitated by the subject matter, and an offering of stability, should he need it.

Kate knew he’d innately grasp her intentions.

He chose to move on, and that was likely wise.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Lexington,” Jude graciously said.

“Andrew, I insist. And nice to meet you, as well, Jude.” Andrew turned his megawatt smile on Kate. Who had to tear her gaze from Jude, she was so transfixed by him, on every level.

Andrew said, “Katie, it’s been much too long. You must come for Sunday brunch in the Hamptons this summer. Mother would be ecstatic. She misses seeing your pretty face. We all do.”

“I’ll check my schedule and call her,” Kate absently said, her thoughts lingering on Jude, though she attempted to give Andrew her attention. She found it impossible, with Jude brooding beside her. His tension held a firm grip on her, but for a different reason than how it besieged him. Kate loathed any prickle along Jude’s spine—and could practically feel this one, despite not knowing the true source or extent.

To Andrew, she added, “Give your parents my regards if they’re not here for the party.”

“Oh, they are. And they’ll be so happy you came out for the occasion.” To Jude, he said, “She works too much.” He winked. Kate fought the glower.

“Champagne, Kate?” Jude conveniently suggested—apparently recognizing Kate’s discomfort as much as she did his.


“If you’ll excuse us…” Jude expeditiously whisked her away. As he accepted a glass for her from a tuxedo-clad waiter, he mused, “Your ex seems like a friendly guy.”

Kate paused while Jude collected his own flute. They clinked rims and then she said, “Image can be deceiving. Andrew’s only interest is in Andrew. He could never fathom why I wanted to go to college and have a career of my own. Why I wouldn’t be thrilled to be the little Mrs., planning high-tea for his colleagues’ wives and hosting his dinner parties. Being an integral part of his high-brow circle.”

“Some women find that rewarding,” Jude judiciously pointed out.

“And that’s fine. For them. I wanted to travel and start my own practice. Well, not originally,” she told him before taking another sip. “I’d always had this vision of my father, my brothers and I opening a wellness center, each of us practicing our own specialties that complemented each other and offered a rounded conglomerate under one roof.”

“That sounds ambitious. And clever.”

“I thought so,” she admitted. “Kelly, the oldest, was interested in being a cardiothoracic surgeon. Brandon wanted to pursue G.I. disorders. John, chronic disease management. Denny, sports medicine and ortho.”

“And you always wanted to be a psychiatrist?”

“Yes. I thought we’d all mesh together perfectly, especially with Dad being a world-class and highly sought-after neurosurgeon.”


Kate polished off her bubbly and added the flute to a passing tray. “None of them went into surgery and all became general practitioners. While my brothers do have their individual areas of emphasis, the concept of a private practice with integrated specialties and surgical services flew out the window.”

Kate and Jude moved farther into the room and she politely made the rounds, introducing her date. She was actually glad for the distraction. She’d already divulged more to Jude than she would prefer. Kate hadn’t planned on sharing her life history with him. Particularly not her family history.

Perhaps that was inevitable, though, because a half hour into the party, her parents tore themselves away from their small group of Denny, Charlotte and her folks, and made a beeline for Kate.

“Oh, God…here we go.”


She pulled in a deep breath. Let it out slowly. “Incoming: Mom and Dad. Please keep in mind this ‘date’ is for show, Jude. No need to request childhood stories or anything of that ilk.”

His gaze narrowed on her. “You were a bit more forthcoming earlier, on your own. I’ll save the interrogation for when we’re alone.”

“There’s not going to be an interrogation.”

“Turnabout and all that, Kate.” His gaze didn’t waver.

“Jude, I’m not about to let you dissect me and—”