Page 23 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

“Darling,” Kate’s mother drawled in her eloquent tone as she approached.

“Mother.” They exchanged double-cheek air kisses.

Kate’s father swooped in and gave her a gentle hug.

“Daddy,” she said.

“Kathryn. We’re so pleased you made it. We know you don’t favor this crowd.”

Kate gave a light smile to keep the conversation on an even keel. “It’s pleasant enough company, Dad. And always wonderful to see you and Mother. Allow me to introduce my escort.”

Kate’s mother perked up considerably. “We’ve been quite intrigued, ever since Charlotte mentioned him at dinner the other evening. You were invited as well, Kathryn.” The comment was made with a hint of accusation that she’d blatantly dismissed the family affair.

Resisting the urge to sigh, Kate simply said, “I’d already told you I’d volunteered to do disaster-relief behavioral health screenings following the fires that swept through some communities upstate. I’m sorry for the schedule conflict. I’m sure your dinner was a lively event.”

“The boys and their wives all came.”

“I apologize for my absence.”

“It was well noted,” her mother quietly stated, falling just shy of adding a tsk.

Kate ignored the admonishment. Gesturing toward Jude, she said, “This is Jude McMillan. Jude, Betsy and Evan Stockman.”

While the pleasantries ensued, Kate gauged the anticipated and only faintly disguised shock over her choice of tonight’s date. Jude was, after all, the direct opposite of Andrew. Moreover, Jude kept that territorial arm around her waist, which her father’s gaze dropped to a time or two.

The worst thing about that? Kate found Jude’s semi-embrace reassuring—in a conversely electrifying and disturbing way. Jude’s unwavering attention and alpha tendencies strengthened Kate’s spirit when faced with a roomful of people who just didn’t ‘get’ her. And that was most shocking of all.

“It’s an honor to meet you,” Jude politely said to her parents.

“Kathryn didn’t tell us herself she was seeing someone,” her mother said. “But that’s not unusual…” she murmured under her breath.

“We’re old friends,” Jude easily explained. “I’m happy to make everyone’s acquaintance.”

His words were congenial, and Kate was sure she was the only one to detect the tinge of protectiveness in Jude’s tone. She also felt the accompanied tightening of his grip on her.

Damn it! Intimate gestures that were so alluring, so sexy, she had to bite back another sigh.

Not just over the way he stood as strong as oak by her side, in the wake of his own emotional upheaval, no less. But because her parents took obvious interest.

Still, she slid her thankful smile his way. Instantly realizing Jude wasn’t about amassing debts in hopes of it all leading to a massive payoff, in his favor. Though, clearly he did have one thing on his mind when it came to Kate. He flashed her a wicked grin.

Tonight, Jude was in the business of pleasure.

Physical pleasure, without doubt. But there was something else… Jude wanted her to enjoy the evening’s festivities.

He was fantastically conversational, so that Kate relaxed and had absolutely no idea how much time slipped by before Denny and Charlotte joined them.

“Kathryn, you are positively glamorous,” Charlotte beamed as she gave Kate a delicate hug.

“Geez, sis,” Denny contradictorily grumbled with a shake of his head. “Helluva dress.”

Her gaze flitted to her parents. Who exchanged a look of disapproval—at her expense.

Jude casually said, “Red’s her color.”

“You’re gorgeous!” Charlotte concurred.

“The color is so refreshing!” Mirabeth Presley chimed in as she swooped toward the small circle, appearing out of thin air. “Amidst all this black and white. I know you love the formality of it all, Charlotte, but frankly, I admire how Kathryn stands out.”