“I said your clothes have to go. I can’t have you walking around the ship dressed so … er, provocatively. Instead of working, my men would be … attempting to enjoy your charms, shall we say?”

Alex’s blush told Drake she understood his meaning.

“I have no other clothes with me,” she protested weakly. “I left in rather a hurry.”

That much was true. Unwilling to risk discovery, Alex had decided against taking a traveling bag with her, for fear that it might hinder her undetected departure.

For the third time his gaze moved over her, slowly this time, taking in every detail of her modestly clad body.

“You are tiny,” he commented, almost to himself. “But I’m sure that young Thomas is not much bigger than you.” He nodded decisively. “I’ll arrange to have some clothes brought in at once.”

“You expect me to wear men’s clothes?” Alex asked in amazement.

“Any objections?” he drawled. “Because if there are, I have more than enough time to stop at the next port and—”

“No! I have no objections,” Alex jumped in.

He grinned. “Good. Now you just stay right here like a good girl, and I’ll go and see about your attire.”

“Fine,” she snapped back. Another thought occurred to her. “Do you have a name?”

He gave her a smile that nearly melted her bones. “Captain Drake Barrett at your service, princess,” he said with a bow. “But you may call me Drake. After all, we are going to be spending quite a lot of time together over the next weeks, aren’t we?”

Alex wasn’t sure why, but something about his tone made her distinctly uneasy. She drew herself up to her full height, just over five feet. “Thank you very much, Captain,” she said. “I appreciate your hospitality.”

Drake chuckled at the obvious formality, thinking that she much resembled a tiny and adorable kitten that had been playing in a dusty corner. A kitten with claws, he reminded himself. “I will return shortly, my lady. Remain within my quarters. If you choose to disobey me,” he added, seeing the mutinous spark rekindle in her eyes, “I will not be responsible should my men decide to ravish you. Do I make myself clear?”

Alexandria swallowed, recognizing the truth of his words. Adventurous she might be; foolhardy she was not. “Yes, Captain Barrett, perfectly clear.”

“Good. I will be but a moment. And to answer your first question, luncheon should arrive shortly. Feel free to partake.”

With that he was gone.

Alexandria sank into the desk chair, trembling. Captain Drake Barrett was the most overwhelming man she had ever met. It was not merely his magnificent good looks or even that deep, commanding voice. There was an aura of raw sexuality about him that awakened every untried nerve in her young body. His blatant virility excited her, made her blood pound and her heart beat faster.

She had not counted on this complication. She had won; she was going to York. Now the trick would be to avoid Drake Barrett at all costs.

“Did you say a woman?” Smitty asked in a stunned voice.

Drake nodded. “Yes, Smitty, a woman. And not just any woman, mind you, but Lady Alexandria Cassel.”

“The Earl of Sudsbury’s young daughter?” Smitty was amazed.

“That’s right. It seems the little chit has a thirst for adventure. She wants to travel to York with us, actually begged me to take her there.”

“And you agreed?” Smitty gave Drake a suspicious look. “That doesn’t sound at all like you, Captain.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t,” Drake agreed. “But she insists that she can withstand the voyage. She even claims to be quite a sailor and has offered to relieve the men. I, of course, clarified that point with her.” He gave Smitty a bland look.

Smitty looked mortified. “Captain! The earl’s daughter is little more than a child!”

“Oh, she’s more than a child, Smitty,” Drake assured him cheerfully. “Much more than a child, I’d say.” He grinned.

Smitty did not smile back. He knew only too well what Drake’s opinion of women was. He also knew why. “She must be hungry,” he replied instead.

“Yes, hungry and arrogant. I wouldn’t be surprised if she expected a footman to wait on her. It is what she is used to.” Drake’s voice was bitter. “But you are going to tend to her, Smitty, because you are the only crewman who is trustworthy enough to exercise self-restraint, should her ladyship be en dishabille.”

“I will take some food and clothing to her.” Smitty moved toward the stern of the ship.