“Just take the food. I’ll tend to the clothing,” Drake put in.

Smitty turned in surprise. “Very well, Captain,” he said slowly, studying Drake. “I’ll see to the food at once.”

Alexandria jumped when she heard the door open. A moment later an elderly man with a kindly face and a wonderful-smelling tray of meat and biscuits appeared in the cabin. He stopped when he saw her, staring in utter astonishment, then crossed the room and placed the tray on the desk before her.

“Hello, my lady,” he said in a warm voice. “I thought you might like something to eat.”

Alex gave him a smile that could have melted a heart of ice. “Thank you, sir,” she replied. “I hope it wasn’t too much trouble.”

Was this beautiful angel with the soft voice the overindulged, willful brat that the captain had just described?

“It was no trouble, my lady. I hope it is to your liking.”

“It looks heavenly!” Alex’s mouth watered as she realized she hadn’t eaten in nearly a day.

Smitty grinned at her open enthusiasm. “Is there anything else I can bring to make you more comfortable?”

She turned wide gray eyes up to him. “Oh, no. I have no intention of getting underfoot, really. But I do thank you. Captain Barrett is most fortunate to have such a fine man as you working for him.”

Smitty beamed, captivated by the delightful and unspoiled young woman before him. She was too guileless to harm anyone, too special to leave anyone unaffected, even his captain. Feeling suddenly quite jovial, Smitty added, “My name is Smitty, my lady, and should you think of anything—”

“Lady Alexandria has everything she needs, thank you, Smitty.” Drake’s cold voice came from the open doorway. He wasn’t sure why, but it infuriated him to see this beautiful and undoubtedly lethal young woman completely spellbind Smitty. He strode across the room, a small bundle of clothes beneath his arm. “You may go, Smitty,” he stated flatly.

Smitty looked up in surprise. “Very good, Captain.” He gave Alex a supportive smile and headed toward the door.

“Thank you again, Smitty,” she called after him. “You’ve been very kind.”

“My pleasure, my lady.” And he was gone.

“Have you finished charming my crew, princess?” There was an angry gleam in Drake’s eyes as he stood before her, formidable and strong.

Alex looked puzzled. “I don’t know what you mean, Captain Barrett.”

Drake snorted. “Let me make one thing perfectly clear, Lady Alexandria. You may have fooled Smitty, as you probably have the rest of the world, but I am not so easily deceived. Therefore, kindly save your coyness and your shy smiles, for they would be wasted on me. And never let me see you use your charms on my men, or you will be off this ship before you can catch your breath. Understood?”

Alex studied his blazing eyes in total bewilderment. “I don’t know why you dislike me so,” she said at last. “I have no intention of seducing your crew, Captain.” She gave him a frosty look. “So you can rest easy. All I want is to reach York as soon as possible. Then you and I will be rid of each other forever. You see, I don’t particularly like you either.”

An explosive silence filled the room. Finally Drake tossed her the parcel of clothes. “Change. Now.”

“I don’t take orders, Captain.” She lifted her chin defiantly.

“On my ship you do.”

Alex took a deep breath and swallowed her pride. “Very well, Captain Barrett. If you will be so kind as to leave the room I shall be happy to comply with your request.”

Drake cocked his head. “Leave the room? Princess, I have no intention of leaving the room. This cabin is mine.”

“Very well, then. If you will show me to my quarters I shall be happy to be out of your way.”

“You are looking at them.”

“Pardon me?”

“I said you are looking at your quarters.”

“Here?” Her tone was incredulous.
