“Thanks to …” Drake looked astonished. Then memory flooded his features, “The wave … I remember … I must have hit my head.” He turned toward Alex. “The crew … Was anyone hurt? Was there any damage to my ship?”

Billings poured a healthy amount of brandy into a glass, then added several drops of laudanum to it. “Both the ship and the crew are fine, Captain. Here, drink this,” he directed. “It will ease your pain.”

Smitty helped raise Drake’s shoulders, careful to anchor his injured head, so that his captain could drink. Drake swallowed the mixture in three gulps, then eased back shakily onto the pillows.

“Damn! I’m as feeble as a child,” he muttered.

Billings nodded. “The weakness will last for several days, but the pain should diminish by tomorrow. You must rest, Captain.”

Drake scowled, but did not argue. “Has the storm subsided?” he asked.

“Yes, Captain,” Smitty replied. “The worst is over and the ship is intact. You can rest easy.”

Drake nodded. Once again his gaze sought Alex. “What am I going to do with you?” The question was asked half to her, half to himself. He gave her a rueful smile. “You’re such a damned little hoyden, but how can I thrash you when you saved my life?” He seemed to contemplate his options, but before he could continue the thought, his eyes began to glaze over and his lids grew heavy. “Such a beautiful contradiction,” he murmured, his voice slurred. “It’s no wonder you drive me insane. …” His voice drifted off as his features relaxed in slumber.

Billings chuckled, gathering up his things. “He will probably sleep for some time now. He might run a fever, though I doubt it. I will leave another dose of laudanum, should he require it. In any case he will need compresses for the swelling. I trust you can manage, Smitty?” He turned questioning eyes to the first mate.

Smitty nodded. “Most certainly.”

“Fine. Then I shall take my leave. I must see to the other injuries now.” He went to the doorway, then turned to Alex. “Thank you, my lady. You made a very fine nurse.”

Alex smiled. “Thank you for allowing me to stay, Doctor.”

He glanced at the bed, then back at Alex. “The captain wished it,” he replied. It was obvious to John Billings that the captain had feelings for Lady Alexandria. But those feelings were none of his business. He bade them good night, closing the door behind him.

“You are exhausted, my lady,” Smitty said gently. “Why not go to my cabin and rest. I can arrange for a hot bath for you. I don’t want you to become ill from staying in those wet clothes.”

Alex looked down at herself in surprise. She had completely forgotten about her own condition. She was drenched, her breeches were torn, and her shirt was covered with Drake’s blood.

“Oh …” she murmured, vaguely. “I am certainly disheveled, am I not?”

Smitty chuckled. “Go, my lady, before you catch a chill.”

Alex was too drained to argue.

The hot bath felt wonderful, as did the change of clothes. But despite her exhaustion, sleep would not come. She tossed and turned for hours, until lying there became unbearable. Finally she rose and made her way back to Drake’s cabin. Quietly she eased open the door so as not to disturb either man.

In the dim light she could see that Drake was tossing slightly in the bed, muttering unintelligible words. Beside the bed, Smitty dozed in a chair, unaware of his captain’s restlessness. Poor Smitty. He was absolutely spent. Alex gently touched his shoulder. At the contact Smitty’s eyes flew open.

“My lady? What is it?”

“Nothing, Smitty. All is well. I merely came to relieve you.”

His eyes widened and he shook his head. “No, my lady, that is not necessary.”

“I know it is not necessary, but you are positively exhausted. I am refreshed from my nap,” she lied. “Now it is time for you to go to your cabin and sleep. I will watch over your captain.”

Smitty glanced down at Drake, who was now perfectly still. Normally he would not have considered her suggestion, but every bone in his body was screaming for rest and the night was half over, without incident. Surely for a few hours he could leave his lordship in Lady Alexandria’s capable hands?

He sighed. “If he should stir, you will awaken me? If there is any problem …”

“There won’t be,” she stated firmly, already nudging Smitty to his feet. “Now go. You won’t be of any use to Captain Barrett tomorrow if you are exhausted. You will no doubt need all of your wits to combat his foul mood.”

Smitty smiled in spite of his fatigue. “You are quite right, my lady. I will take your kind suggestion. Thank you.”

Alex grinned as she closed the door behind Smitty. He was one of the kindest and most loyal human beings she had ever known. It must be wonderful to have someone in your life who cares so deeply for you, she mused. Drake is a lucky man.

She walked back to the bed and placed her hand on Drake’s forehead. It was cool to the touch; he had no fever. All was well. She sat down in the chair, staring off into space, daydreaming idly. The minutes ticked by and her eyelids became heavy. Her head drooped forward, the awkward movement causing her to come awake. Quickly she glanced down at the bed, but Drake had not moved. She stood, stretching from her cramped position. Her belt was beginning to cut into her flesh. It was certainly not meant to be slept in, nor were the oversize cuffed breeches. Longingly, she eyed Drake’s huge white shirt, which had been serving as her nightrail and now lay neatly folded on the chest.