Drake moaned again, tossing his head on the pillow, then groaning in agony at the pain that movement caused. His eyes opened, dazed and unfocused. Clearly he was not fully conscious. “Alexandria,” he whispered, frowning as he said her name. “Alexandria.”

The surgeon raised surprised brows and turned toward Alex.

“He is calling for you.”

Alex went forward and leaned over Drake’s supine form. “I’m here, Drake,” she answered softly, stroking his face.

Her voice seemed to soothe him, for he immediately relaxed, the frown disappearing. Alex raised her face to meet Billings’s curious gaze. She was beyond caring what people thought.

“Let me stay,” she asked. “Please.”

Billings glanced down at Drake and considered. Then he shook his head. “The stitching of a wound is not easy to watch, my lady,” he told her.

Alex stood, hands on her hips. “I am not squeamish, Doctor,” she began. “Therefore …”

The decision was taken from them. The moment Alex lifted her hand from Drake’s face he began to thrash about.

“Alexandria!” He called her name again in an anguished voice that tore at Alex’s heart.

She did not wait for permission, but sank down on the floor beside the bed.

“I’m still here, Drake,” she assured him, laying her hand against his cheek.

Instinctively, he turned his mouth against her palm, unconsciously seeking the comfort of her touch. Alex felt a lump in her throat.

Smitty watched the entire episode with great understanding in his eyes. Then he turned to Billings.

“The captain wants Lady Alexandria to remain, and so she shall,” he stated simply.

Billings nodded. “Very well, Smitty. However, I still need you to hold him steady. Lady Alexandria might have the stomach, but she hasn’t the strength.”

“Fine,” Smitty responded, gesturing for Thomas to leave the room.

Fortunately the worst of the storm had finally subsided, and the movements of the ship were less turbulent. Billings stitched quickly, to minimize Drake’s discomfort. Every time he lurched with pain, Smitty would steady him while Alex spoke softly into his ear. The sound of her voice quieted him again and again.

Alex sighed with relief when at last Billings straightened from his task.

“It is done,” he announced. “There will be considerable swelling and a good deal of discomfort when he awakens. He will need tending to.” He gave Smitty a questioning look. “Will you remain with him?” It was common knowledge that the captain had gallantly relinquished his cabin to Lady Alexandria and was bunking with Smitty. Quite obviously, these arrangements would have to be altered until the captain was well.

Smitty nodded. “I’ll not leave him alone, John.”

“Good.” Billings grinned. “I know our captain will not take kindly to his enforced bed rest or to his weakened condition. But it is necessary that he rest in order for the wound and the concussion to heal.”

“I understand.”

Alex listened to the men talk, staring down into Drake’s face. His features were softer than when he was

awake, giving him a vulnerable look that sparked a protective instinct in Alex. She stroked a lock of damp hair off of his forehead.

At her touch Drake opened his eyes. They were glazed with pain, but no longer unfocused. He blinked, turned his head slightly, and groaned.

“My head …”

“Shhh,” Alex murmured. “Try not to talk or move.”

“Alexandria?” He looked puzzled, trying to put the disoriented pieces together. “What happened?”

“You have a concussion, Captain,” John Billings interjected. “Not a terribly severe one. It could have been worse, but thanks to Lady Alexandria’s quick thinking, you were spared further injury.”