Sebastian hesitated, then shrugged carelessly. “Fine. The point is a moot one. Alexandria will soon be at my mercy.”

Drake merely smiled, unaffected by his brother’s threats.

Soft footsteps approached, and a moment later Smitty appeared, carrying a flat black case, which Alex knew contained the dueling pistols. She felt ill.

Smitty threw a quick, scathing look in Sebastian’s direction, then turned toward Drake. Their eyes met, and a quick current of communication passed between them, ending as quickly as it had begun.

“Do you have the weapons, Smitty?” Drake asked. A mere formality, since he knew what Smitty’s answer would be.

“I do, your grace.”

“Good. Who will be acting as your second, Sebastian?” Drake inquired stiffly.

Sebastian gave a disdainful laugh. “Second? I need no second!”

“Fine, then we can begin any time my brother …” Drake spat out the words contemptuously, “… is ready.”

Sebastian gave an eerie laugh. “You should have thought more carefully before you chose pistols as our dueling weapons, Drake. You know what a superb marksman I am. I rarely miss my target.”

Alex clutched Drake’s arm again, Sebastian’s words generating a fresh surge of fear in her heart. Silently she begged Drake to reconsider. But Drake seemed perfectly calm and unbothered by his brother’s boasting. The look he gave Alex was a reiteration of his earlier promise.

“Trust me,” he whispered again.

Alex nodded and stepped away from him, determined not to create a scene. She went to stand beside Smitty, who was now opening the heavy, velvet-lined case.

Sebastian watched as the twin pistols were revealed.

“I do see one problem, Drake.” He looked utterly triumphant, as though he had figured out some all-important secret.

Drake stared back, his face expressionless. “Which is?”

“Smithers here is unquestionably and eternally loyal to you.” He raised a dark brow in Smitty’s direction. “Since he is the one who loaded the pistols, how can I be assured that there are no … surprises in store for me? I would hate to fire my weapon only to find that it was without ammunition.”

Drake and Smitty exchanged another glance, which did not go unnoticed by Sebastian. More certain than ever that he was correct, he waited with a victorious smirk.

“The problem is easily solved,” Drake replied at last. With a quick movement of his head he gestured for Sebastian to approach the pistols. “You choose your weap

on first.”

Sebastian assessed the situation and then, with a brief nod, walked over to the open box in Smitty’s hands. As he approached, Alex instinctively moved closer to Smitty. Sebastian’s very presence offended her.

His cold gaze flicked briefly over Alex, but he did not address her. Instead, he studied the two pistols, realizing that his suspicions were unfounded. Drake would never risk his own life on a gamble. Obviously both pistols were loaded.

He selected one of the gleaming weapons and turned back to Drake. “Your turn, brother:”

Drake walked over and lifted the other weapon from its velvet bed. He glanced briefly at Alex’s pale face, then turned and walked back to where Sebastian stood.

Alex listened to Smitty’s voice as he explained something about twenty paces being counted off. Her legs felt like water, and she wondered if they would, continue to support her throughout this ordeal. Gritting her teeth, she prayed.

It all seemed like a dream—watching the brothers stand back to back, then hearing Smitty calling out numbers while the two men took one long stride for each shout.

“Nine … ten …”

Alex grabbed Smitty’s arm, afraid as she had never been in her life.

“Please, Smitty, stop them,” she begged. “Please …”

“Eleven …” He never paused in his counting, but gently pressed her hand against his arm in a comforting gesture.