“Twelve … thirteen …”

Alex was about to repeat her plea when, from the corner of her eye, she saw Sebastian whirl about and aim his pistol.

“Drake!” She screamed his name, her piercing cry mingling with the sound of the pistol crack.

“No!” Alex sobbed, realizing that her warning had come too late. “Oh, God, Drake!”

Drake had stopped dead in his tracks as Sebastian prematurely fired at his back. Sebastian stood, a wildly triumphant madman, waiting for Drake to crumple and die.

Instead, Drake turned slowly and stared at the spot where Sebastian’s bullet had fallen … far short of its mark. He raised glittering emerald eyes to his brother’s shocked face.

“Surprised, Sebastian?” Drake took a step toward his brother, then another and another, raising his own weapon as he stalked the stunned man who stood before him, staring blankly at his own still-smoldering gun. “And I thought you were such an expert shot,” Drake taunted, stopping when he was close enough to see the fear on Sebastian’s face. “An expert on firearms in general, actually,” he added. “’Tis a pity that someone tampered with the gunpowder, is it not, Sebastian?” he continued, his voice growing hard, his pistol cocked and ready. “It becomes quite difficult to defend yourself when your ammunition is at only a fraction of its intended potency, does it not, Sebastian?” His eyes were blazing with rage and hatred, his voice hard and merciless as he continued his verbal assault on the cowering man before him. “Does it not, Sebastian?”

Sebastian emitted a sound like a whimper.

“Ah, I see you understand my point, you spineless coward.” Drake placed his finger lightly against the trigger, seeing all the color drain from Sebastian’s face. “You jeopardized twenty lives, you miserable bastard. Twenty men who are my friends. I should put one bullet in your head for each of them … and one more for putting your filthy hands on my wife. And then I should begin anew as punishment for our father’s murder.” He placed the barrel of the pistol between Sebastian’s eyes. “And I assure you, you worthless snake, that, despite the diminished strength of my gunpowder, I shall not miss at point-blank range.”

Time froze in a deathlike silence as Drake toyed with his terrified brother by tightening the pressure of his finger on the trigger, bit by bit.

Finally Sebastian sobbed out loud, “Kill me and be done with it! I cannot bear the torture any longer!”

Drake lowered the gun to his side. “Torture? You haven’t begun to know the meaning of the word.” He watched Sebastian collapse at his feet in a shuddering heap. “Death is too good for you, Sebastian … and far too compassionate. I would much prefer to see you rot in Newgate for the rest of your wretched life, along with the other rats and vermin! That is the fate you deserve!”

For the first time Drake turned toward where Alex stood, shaking violently, against Smitty. Wordlessly Drake extended his arm to her, and without hesitation, she went to him, pressing herself against his side … where she belonged and would always stay.

“I believe we are entitled to this extended and long-awaited wedding trip,” Drake teased, drawing Alex toward the docks of London where their adventure together had begun.

She laughed. “We have spent most of our marriage on one journey or another,” she reminded him.

He stopped before the gleaming masts of a waiting ship. “No longer, princess,” he whispered, looking into her eyes. “I have found my journey’s end.” He kissed her softly on her mouth, tenderly cupping the gentle, swell of her stomach. “You and our child are my life,” he said simply. Without waiting for her response he turned, pointing to the shining hull of the exquisite vessel before them. “Behold your namesake, my love.”

Alex felt a lump in her throat as she stared at the bold name, La Belle Alexandria, painted on the prow of the newly built ship.

“She’s beautiful,” she managed in a choked voice. “Thank you, Drake.”

He understood. “Come.” He led her onto the polished deck, then down to the magnificently crafted captain’s cabin below.

“Let me see if I remember,” he told her soberly, closing the door and leaning back against it. “A cabin, not a castle, where you have been taken by a man—merely a man, but one who loves you with all his heart.” He walked toward her, drawing her into his strong, hungry embrace. “To live and love together with joy and meaning, as partners and equals … always.” Drake kissed away the tears of joy that trickled slowly down Alex’s cheeks. “I want to make all your dreams come true,” he whispered against her parted lips, melding their bodies together. “But, Alex,” he asked huskily, drawing her toward the bed, “in this one _ instance … would you mind very much being beneath me?”

She didn’t answer. Not with words. Her body told him everything he needed to know.

Alex was free.

For, at last and forever, she had found her heart’s desire.