“Of course I like it.”

“Then wear it tomorrow.”


“Yes. When you come to Winsham. It would make me very happy. And it would prove to me that you’re willing to accept my apology. Please, sprite.” He tugged at a lock of her hair.

“Fine.” Ariana gave him a guarded smile. “I’ll wear the gown. And I’ll be at Winsham as you’ve asked.”

“Wonderful!” He hugged her enthusiastically. “Then I’ll be on my way.” Dropping a quick kiss on her cheek, he headed for the door. “Until four o’clock tomorrow.”

Ariana watched him go, glancing down at the delicate fabric she held in her hands. First an apology, then a gift: What a drastic transformation Baxter had undergone. And in so short a period of time too. Perhaps too short and too drastic.

Returning the gown to its box, Ariana wondered uneasily if her initial reasoning had been sound. Could Baxter be involved in the horrifying events of the past few days? Lord, she hoped not. Not only for his sake, but for her own. She wanted so badly to trust her brother.

But she knew she couldn’t.

In Broddington’s drive, Baxter paused. Quickly he scanned the grounds, the gardens, the walls of the manor. Then with a decisive gesture to his driver, he climbed into the Caldwell carriage and was off.

“I don’t want you alone with that bastard. I don’t trust him.”

Trenton paced the length of Ariana’s room, his features taut with anger.

“Nor does he trust you.” Ariana slid a pin into her hair and turned to face her husband. “But I do. So please have faith in me.”

“I do have faith in you, misty angel. It’s your judgment I question. Why must you go to Winsham? Why couldn’t he merely have the check delivered to Broddington? In fact, why is he doing this at all? I don’t even want his bloody money!”

Ariana inclined her head thoughtfully. “I think he feels that the check is a symbolic gesture, as is presenting it to me personally. The same applies to my wearing the gown he bought me.”

“I still don’t like the idea of your going there.”

“Trenton, he’s my brother,” she said gently, laying her palm against her husband’s shirt front. “If he’d wanted to hurt me, he could have done so numerous times in the past. There’s nothing to fear. But,” she added, “if it will ease your mind, I’ll take Theresa with me.”

“You’re determined to see him?”

“Unless you forbid me to go, yes.” She gazed up at him, waiting.

Trenton clasped her waist. “I won’t forbid you. You are his sister. But, Ariana …” His eyes blazed cobalt fire. “You are also my wife.”

“I don’t intend to forget that.” She stood on tiptoe to kiss his chin. “Theresa and I will be home in a few hours.”


Ariana smiled softly. “Yes: Home. To Broddington. And you.”

“How do I look?”

Vanessa whirled about, her eyes gleaming with triumph.

“Amazing.” Baxter shook his head. “The resemblance is staggering.”

“Between the gowns? Or the women?”

Baxter shot her an impatient look. “The gowns go without saying, Ness. They’re not only similar, they’re identical. I insisted that the dressmaker ensure that. No, I was referring to the resemblance between my sisters.”

“Then I succeeded?”

“Did you doubt that you would?”