“Perhaps. Perhaps because I’m unused to viewing you as a very intelligent, very grown woman and not a child.”

“That’s the first honest thing you’ve said.” She gestured toward the sofa. “Can I offer you some refreshment?”

“No.” He reseated himself. “I didn’t come here to receive anything from you. I came to give something to you.”

“Which is?”


; “A heartfelt apology. Not only for hurting you, but for my unethical deeds of the past. You were right: I should never have accepted money … demanded money,” he corrected, “from Kingsley.”

“No. You shouldn’t have.” Ariana inclined her head, skepticism written all over her face. “Why have you suddenly decided to repent?”

“Because I love you. Because you’re my sister and I obviously hurt you deeply. Because you made me look objectively at my actions and myself. And what I saw didn’t make me very happy.” He leaned forward, gripping his knees tightly. “I’m not an evil man, Ariana. I never intended for Richard Kingsley to die. I was hurting … badly. Vanessa was gone, and I knew I’d never see her again. I wanted to kill the man who had taken her from me.”

“Trenton didn’t kill Vanessa.”

“Sprite.” Baxter held up his hand. “I didn’t come here to argue. I came to ask your forgiveness … and to make amends.”

“How do you propose to do that?”

“I can’t bring the late duke back to life, any more than I can alter any other events of the past. But I can return the fifty thousand pounds I took from your husband six years ago.”

“What?” Ariana started.

Baxter’s pale eyes beseeched her. “I’m not saying I don’t hate Kingsley. I’d be lying if I did. But for your sake, for the sake of our relationship, I’ll do it. You’re all I have left, sprite.” He seized her hand. “I don’t want to lose you. So I’ll do it.”

“Where in heaven’s name are you going to get fifty thousand pounds?”

“I’ve come into some unexpected money. No, not gambling,” he assured her, seeing the suspicious lift of her brows. “Mother and Father left me two paintings that I’d always thought to be practically worthless. Last week I had occasion to meet with a man who, as luck would have it, is an expert in assessing valuable paintings. When he heard the description of mine, he asked to see them. Evidently, they are worth a great deal of money.”

“You’re selling them?”

He nodded. “I’ll be receiving my first payment tomorrow: thirty thousand pounds. I’d like to turn it over to you.”

“I’m not the one to whom you owe the debt… Trenton is.”

Baxter’s lips drew into a tight, grim line. “There’s just so much humiliation I’m willing to endure … even for you. I have no intention of seeing Kingsley’s despicable face. You’ll have to give the money to him yourself.”

“Trenton will be home from London tonight.”

“I see.” Baxter scowled. “Then you and I obviously can’t make the exchange at Broddington.” He raised his head. “You come to Winsham. Tomorrow afternoon. At four o’clock.”

“I don’t know, Baxter.” Ariana hesitated.

“Why not? For God’s sake, Ariana, it was your home for eighteen years. All I’m asking is for an hour’s visit in order to hand you my check. Is that asking too much? Or have you disowned me completely?”

“No, Baxter, I haven’t disowned you.” Seeing the genuine plea in his eyes, she felt herself relent. “All right. I’ll be there.”

“Good.” He rose, making no attempt to disguise his relief. “Oh, I forgot something.” From around the side of the sofa, he extracted a large, flat box. “I brought you a gift.”

“That wasn’t necessary.”

“It was something I wanted to do.” He extended his arms. “Open it.”

Beneath the lid and filmy pink tissue was the loveliest peach silk morning dress Ariana had ever seen. “It’s beautiful,” she said, stroking the soft material. “Thank you, Baxter.”

“You like it?”