“Was the road repaired?”

“Pardon me?” Ariana tensed.

“The road to London. It was in sad need of repair. Did the carriage driver have any trouble?”

“I don’t think so. … I’m not certain…. I don’t recall”

“Were you at Winsham?”

Ariana’s head fell back with the impact of Trenton’s harsh accusation, his words lashing through her with the force of a whip. “What?”

“You heard me: Were you with your brother? Did you tell him everything that’s been happening?”

“Of course not!” Twin spots of red appeared on Ariana’s cheeks. “Do you honestly believe I would deceive you like that?”

“Not deceive me, misty angel … protect me.” Trenton’s jaw was clenched, as rigid as his tone, but his eyes were filled with tenderness. “I was afraid you’d had some misplaced notion of confronting Baxter and finding out if he was behind the bizarre events of the last few days.”

“No. I didn’t.”

“Good.” Trenton cupped her face. “I don’t want you involved. Whoever … whatever … is going on could be dangerous. I’ll deal with it myself.”

“Don’t shut me out.” She gripped his forearms. “Please, Trenton, I—”

“I know,” he answered gently, drawing her against him, enfolding her tightly in his arms. “Lord knows what I’ve done to deserve it, but I know.”

Laying her head against her husband’s chest, Ariana closed her eyes, forcing herself to focus on the strong, steady thud of Trenton’s heart.

Panic seized her, overwhelming, incomprehensible.

She loved this man, and her every instinct proclaimed that he loved her too.

Yet Ariana had the sudden, terrifying fear that a force more powerful than either of them could imagine lurked just out of reach, waiting to tear them apart.



“THE VISCOUNT WINSHAM IS here to see you, Your Grace.”

Ariana dropped the fern she had been trimming and rose to her feet. “My brother? Here?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Jennings bobbed his bright head. “He’s waiting in the drawing room. Shall I show him to the conservatory?”

“No, Jennings. I’ll go to him.” She glanced anxiously beyond the doorway. “The duke has left for London, hasn’t he?”

“Nearly an hour ago, Your Grace.”

“Good.” Nearly weak with relief, Ariana smoothed” her gown and headed down the hall. She had no idea why on earth Baxter had come to Broddington. But, thankfully, Trenton was meeting with his solicitor today to discuss the transference of Kingsley funds from London to Wight. So there was no chance that he and Baxter would run into each other.

“Baxter.” Ariana entered the drawing room, closing the door behind her. “What do you want?”

“Hello, sprite.” He came to his feet, all charm and smiles. “I’m so pleased to find you at home.”

“You knew I was at home, Baxter. Just as you obviously knew that Trenton was not. So you can amend your tactics and stop patronizing me.” She lowered herself to a cushioned armchair, folding her hands primly in her lap. “I’ve said all I intend to say. So why are you here?”

Baxter stared, the smile frozen on his face. “You astonish me, Ariana. Truly you do.”

“Why? Because I see through your facade?”