“Sweetheart.” Dustin placed his hands on her shoulders. “I had hoped you thought of me as your friend.”

“I do.”

“Then let me help you.”

Ariana’s shoulders began to jerk convulsively. “I don’t even know where Trenton is.” She wept. “He’s been gone for three days; I don’t know what to do.”

“Tell me what happened.”

“Baxter came to see me, supposedly to make amends. He asked that I come to Winsham the following day. Evidently, he planned to repay a portion of the money he’d extorted from Trenton six years ago.”

Dustin started. “Trent told you about that?”

A shaky nod.

“I see.” Stifling his surprise, Dustin asked, “And did Baxter repay you?”

“Yes. I accepted the check, then came straight home. But apparently …” Her voice broke. “Something happened while I was away.” She managed to keep herself in check long enough to tell Dustin of Trenton’s bizarre behavior: his belief that he was mad and dangerous, his conviction that Vanessa had appeared before him, and his incoherent ramblings that suggested he’d confused Vanessa with Ariana.

“I don’t know what to do,” Ariana concluded in a shattered tone. “I’ve done nothing but think for three days, desperately tried to make sense of all this. Someone is tormenting Trenton’s mind. But who … and how? I want to help him; I’d do anything for him, with or without his permission. But how can I fight something I can’t even see and don’t understand?” She placed her hand over Dustin’s. “I’m sorry I summoned you. It was the coward’s way out. But I didn’t know where else to turn.”

Dustin’s heart wrenched, not only for Trenton, but for the beautiful, innocent girl who was his wife. “I’m glad you sent for me. Together we’ll solve this insanity, once and for all.” He squeezed her fingers. “As for Trent, we can both venture a good guess as to where he is.”


“Exactly. That’s where he always goes when he’s in pain.”

Ariana turned. “I love him, Dustin. I want my love to bring him joy, not grief.”

“You’ve brought more joy back into my brother’s life than I ever dreamed possible. You’ve given him a reason to live again, to see beyond the pain and guilt of the past. Just the fact that he’d place your well-being above his own should tell you something about the way he feels about you.”

“I suppose it does,” she whispered.

“Come.” Dustin gestured decisively toward the staircase. “I think much better when I’m working. Let’s continue this conversation in the sitting room. I’m eager to see your reaction to my designs.”

“The sitting room is aired out and ready, and I’ve had tea and scones sent up so you can eat while you work,” Theresa announced, descending the stairs. “I’ve also left samples of the fresh flowers the duchess specified in her notes, so you can visualize them in the finished room.” She disappeared toward the kitchen.

Dustin nodded approvingly at Ariana. “That was a clever idea, asking Theresa to gather those flowers.”

“I didn’t. In fact, I never even mentioned them or showed her my notes.”

“Then how …” Dustin broke off, grinning. “Never mind. I must admit, baffling as she is, I like your Theresa more each time I see her.”

“When all is done, the help of good counsel is that which setteth business straight.” Theresa issued the proclamation from far down the hall.

“Sir Francis again?” Dustin asked Ariana, his eyes twinkling.

“None other.” Ariana smiled through her tears. “I believe Theresa returns your affections. That says a great deal about your character.”

“Now if only my drawings live up to my charm and my appetite.”

Carefully, Ariana dried her eyes. “I don’t doubt for a moment that they will.”

“Shall we go up and see?”

“They’re perfect!” Ariana knelt on the sitting-room floor, sketches spread out all around her. “Oh, Dustin, they’re exactly what I had in mind.”

“Good. Because I’ve taken the liberty of purchasing the furniture you described. It will be delivered this week.”