“Stop it!” She seized his hands, her own fingers cold and trembling. “Why are you saying these things? What happened while I was away?”

“Ah, but you weren’t away. You were right here at Broddington. In the gardens. Directly in front of me. In my sight … in my mind. It was you. I didn’t know it, but it was. Once again I thought you were Vanessa, just as I did the night you freed your white owl. Only this time I hurt you. I nearly choked you. Who knows what I might do next time? What I’ve done in the past but can’t recall? What I’m capable of doing if provoked?”

“Listen to me.” Ariana was losing control—fast. “I’ve been at Winsham with Theresa. We just arrived home a few minutes ago. I don’t know who you saw, but it wasn’t me.”

“You’re so bloody beautiful,” he murmured, rubbing his thumb across her collarbone. “How could I confuse you with Vanessa?”

“Trenton … I love you,” Ariana replied desperately.

He went rigid. “Don’t say that again. Ever.”


“Dammit, Ariana!” For the first time he reacted, coming to his feet in one savage motion. “I’m unstable, deranged, insane—the last person on earth to be worthy of your love!” He saw Ariana cringe, and his guts twisted in response to her obvious terror. Instinctively, he looked toward the altar, knowing that even prayer could no longer save him. “You’re frightened,” he told his wife bleakly. “You should be. I don’t know who I am or what I’ve done. Nor can I be certain of what I might do in the future. You can’t stay with me. … You have to go.”

“Go?” Ariana’s voice sounded wooden to her own ears.

“Yes. For your own safety.”

“No.” Tears filled her eyes. “I won’t … I can’t leave you.”

Trenton clenched his fists, summoning up all his strength. “Fine. Then I’ll leave you.”

“You’ll … what?” Ariana clutched the bench for support.

“I’ll pack immediately and be gone from Broddington by nightfall.” The pain in his wife’s eyes was nearly Trenton’s undoing, but he forced himself to stand firm—for Ariana’s sake. “You’ll lack for nothing; I’ll see to that. All of Broddington will be at your disposal, the servants advised to jump to your command.”

“I don’t care about Broddington!” Ariana burst out, tears sliding down her cheeks. “I care about you.”

For a split second Trenton’s features twisted with anguish. Then his expression changed to one of brittle resolve. “Don’t, misty angel. I’m not worth it.”

He turned and headed for the door, wincing at the sound of his wife’s quiet weeping.

Walking away was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

Dustin alighted from his carriage, grateful to have finally arrived at Broddington. The short drive had seemed endless, his mind filled with unanswered questions and uneasy doubts.

Ariana’s brief message had said only that Trenton was away for several days and, therefore, could Dustin possibly use this time to implement his plans for the sitting room?

It was what she hadn’t said that worried him.

Why was Trenton away? What was his current state of mind? Had there been any further unnerving occurrences?

Armed with the sitting-room sketches, Dustin came to find out for himself.

“Dustin! I’m so glad you could come.” Ariana greeted him in the hallway, a warm smile lighting her face.

Dustin saw beyond the smile, troubled by the dark circles beneath her eyes, the hollows in her cheeks that hadn’t been there last week. “I’m delighted to have been invited,” he said aloud, kissing her hand. “Am I to assume that the sitting room is to be totally transformed by the time Trent returns?”

A shadow crossed Ariana’s face.

This time Dustin didn’t pretend not to notice. “When is Trent coming home?”

“I don’t know.”

Dustin studied her pale face. “I’m aware that your marriage is none of my business. I apologize in advance for making it my business.” He caught her chin gently in his hand. “Did you have an argument?”

“No.” Ariana turned away.