"Gracious as well as smart," Sheridan praised.

"Are you sure you're thirteen?" Blair asked again.

Chloe grinned. "Quite sure." Abruptly, she looked past him, pointing across the room. "Look. We're about to get our answer."

All four Thorntons followed her gesture, spying Ashford as he made his way towards Noelle. Intently, they watched the bride and groom.

Noelle and Ashford saw only each other.

"How much longer do we have to stay here?" Ashford muttered in his bride's ear after he'd finally reached her side, eased her off to a relatively private spot.

Trailing her finger down the lapel of his coat, Noelle laughed up at him, her face radiant with happiness. "I was ready to leave an hour ago, my lord. But I know how bound to protocol you are."

One dark brow rose. "Say your good-byes, Mrs. Thornton. And make them brief."

"Yes, sir." Her grin turned impish. "As promised, I shall be a dutiful wife." A seductive pause. "Very dutiful."

Ashford's eyes emanated a fierce heat that singed her down to her toes. "On second thought, forget the goodbyes," he commanded. "They take too much time. I want my bride. Now. Even the ride to London is going to be far too long."

Noelle's smile vanished, and she gazed up at her new husband, her heart in her eyes. "In that case, let's just advise our parents. They can announce our departure to the others, after we've gone." Her fingertips grazed his jaw. "I never did see your bedchamber, you know."

"You'll be in it in two hours," he vowed. "And you'll have plenty of time to scrutinize it. You won't be seeing anything else until we leave for our wedding trip next week."

Capturing Noelle's arm, Ashford eased their way through the crowd until they reached their parents.

"We're leaving," Ashford stated bluntly. "I hope the four of you understand."

"We understand." Brigitte inched a sideways glance at Eric. "Don't we, darling?"

Eric gave a resigned sigh. "Yes, I suppose we do." He pressed his lips to Noelle's forehead. "Be happy."

"I will, Papa."

Eric turned to Ashford. "You're a fine man, Ashford. Be good to my daughter."

"Always. You have no worries on that score," Ashford replied as Noelle hugged her mother, exchanged a woman-to-woman glance with her that said more than words ever could.

"Welcome to our family, Noelle," Daphne Thornton said, seizing Noelle's hands and giving her a radiant smile. "We're proud that Ashford was smart enough to choose you."

"I agree," Pierce added. "You're exactly what our son needs."

"Thank you," Noelle answered, hugging first Daphne, then Pierce. "You won't miss Ashford's contributions," she whispered fiercely as she embraced Pierce. "As it happens, my new husband simply cannot beat me in piquet. And I intend to save all my winnings in a symbolic tin cup. By year's end, the bandit will be able to feed an army, I promise you."

Pierce released his daughter-in-law, his shoulders shaking with laughter. "I'm sure the bandit will be grateful," he whispered back. "I'll be sure to give him your message when I see him." He gave her a swift, unobtrusive wink.

"Go," Daphne urged her son, biting back a smile. She wasn't sure which she found more amusing: Noelle's fervent vow to Pierce or Ashford's blatant impat

ience as he shifted restlessly from one foot to the other. "I arranged for your carriage to be brought around a short while ago," she continued. "It's ready and waiting. As for the guests, everyone is so deep in their cups, it will be an hour before anyone notices you're gone. When they do, we'll make your excuses. Now, go and begin your life together."

Neither Noelle nor Ashford needed further encouragement.

With a torrid glance and a murmured, "Come, Mrs. Thornton," Ashford ushered Noelle out the door and towards the privacy that awaited them.

Across the ballroom, three disgruntled siblings rolled their eyes and began muttering.

Sheridan's face split into a broad grin, and he gave Chloe's hand a congratulatory shake. "Four minutes—as Chloe and I suspected. That will be five hundred pounds apiece, please."

"Fine," Juliet grumbled. "Don't start your customary gloating. We'll pay you later."