"Did you get Baricci?" Noelle asked.

"We did."

"How? Did it go as planned? Did he confess? Is he the one who led you to Sardo? Did he know Sardo was a murderer?" Noelle paused to breathe, her natural curiosity recovering swiftly as her numbness faded. "I have so many questions," she declared.

That elicited a chuckle from her father who, up until ten minutes ago, thought he'd never laugh again. "How unusual," he remarked. "Can they wait until we get home? Chloe and your mother are frantic."

"Of course." Chloe and her mother. Noelle could hardly wait to hug them, to show them she was fine—and to thank her sister for reading between the lines, answering her prayers.

"Yes, go on home," Conyers advised. "I'll take it from here." A corner of his mouth lifted. "Consider yourself off duty, my lady."

"Thank you." Noelle smiled back. Then, with a slight shudder, she averted her eyes from Sardo's body, fastening her gown and gathering up her mantle. "I'm more than ready." She waited while Ashford wrapped the mantle around her. Then she looped one arm through his, the other through her father's, giving silent thanks to the heavens. Baricci was in custody, André was dead—the nightmare was over.

"Come, love," Ashford murmured, as if reading her mind. "It's time to bid the past good-bye."

* * *

Chapter 19

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The wedding was the grandest event of the season.

All fashionable London abandoned their Town houses that misty April morning to ride to Northampton and celebrate the marriage of the Duke of Markham's son and the Earl of Farrington's daughter.

Markham's enormous chapel was filled to capacity, and its ballroom spilled over with the hundreds of guests who attended the lavish breakfast. Everyone agreed that the bride and groom made a breathtaking couple—she clad in yards of satin and lace, he dressed in a formal black frock coat and cashmere trousers.

The gossips stood off to one side, whispering about how shocking the newlyweds were in their open displays of affection, their sinfully suggestive glances. The Earl and Countess of Farrington and the Duke and Duchess of Markham stood off to another side, watching their children's unmistakable love and desire with the gratitude of parents and the joy of couples who know firsthand how rare and irreplaceable those feelings are.

Off near the table of refreshments, Chloe was having a most interesting time holding court with the Thornton grandchildren—other than Laurel's brand new son who was asleep upstairs in the nursery—and listening to Ashford's sisters and brothers in heated debate.

"Ten more minutes at the most," Blair stated, watching Ashford stare across the room at his bride.

"Thirty," Laurel disagreed. "Give them credit for some self-restraint."

"Ashe—self-restraint?" Juliet laughed aloud. "No, Laurel, never. I'd say twenty minutes," she added, assessing Ashford's obvious impatience but factoring in Noelle's breeding. "Not because of Ashe's endurance," she clarified wryly. "The man is about ready to erupt. But Noelle is holding her own nicely, despite her eagerness to leave."

"You're all wrong," Sheridan concluded, gazing shrewdly from Ashford to Noelle. "Our new sister-in-law is as restless as our brother—and equally as heedless of others' opinions. Five minutes. If that."

"I agree," Chloe inserted with an emphatic nod. "Knowing my sister and her feelings for Ashford, I'm surprised the two of them are still here now."

All four adults whipped about to stare at her.

A corner of Sheridan's mouth lifted. "Thank you, Chloe. I appreciate your vote of confidence."

Blair was gaping. "How old did you say you were?"

"Thirteen," Chloe supplied helpfully, tickling Cara as she dashed by.

"Thirteen." Blair gave an amazed shake of his head. "Very well, we've all made our guesses. Now, how much are we betting?"

"How about five hundred pounds?" Juliet suggested. "That should make a nice donation."

"Fine with me," Laurel agreed.

"Done." Sheridan winked at Chloe. "I'll share a portion of my winnings with you."

"That's not necessary, my lord. Since you're obviously donating the money to charity, please include my portion along with yours."