Page 49 of Mr. London

He better fucking show up, Caprice thought as she sipped her drink.

Right on cue, Alex walks through the door. He pauses briefly, looks around the pub. He immediately recognizes Caprice, and walks over to her.

They awkwardly exchange hellos, both trying to act casual. Alex sits down across from Caprice. He doesn’t waste any time.

“What do you want, Caprice?” Alex asks bluntly. He crosses his legs, clasping his hands in his lap, staring directly at her.

Caprice removes her sunglasses, her brown eyes full of fear.

How in the hell could I have been attracted to her? Alex thought, eyeing Caprice. The tight clothes, overly painted face – it was too much. Alex thought about how classy and elegant Katherine was compared to this woman. In Alex’s mind, there was no comparison.

She looks around the pub, leaning in closer to Alex. “Do you know Sergio Rossi?” she asks, lowering her voice.

Alex, refusing to reveal any information, answers her question with a question. “Why don’t you tell me how you know Sergio Rossi?”

Caprice stared at Alex, realizing she wasn’t going to get very far by asking him questions. She might as well just lay it all out on the table. Besides, if she didn’t tell him what she knew, how was he going to be able to make all of this go away? Or even worse, would he even be able to?

“Fine. I’ll tell you what I know. Sergio Rossi is……was……il mio amante. My lover. For almost a year.” Caprice looked away, blinking the tears back. She took a sip of the vodka martini, the alcohol burning her throat. “He was murdered. Here, in London, last Tuesday.” She downed the rest of her drink in one long gulp, setting the glass down with a clink.

Alex watched Caprice finish her drink. “Continue.” His voice was calm and in control.

Caprice cut her eyes at Alex, irritated at how calm he was. “Continue?!” she hissed. Caprice was used to big, loud Italian men – not this calm, reserved British man sitting in front of her. She wondered how in the hell she could have ever been attracted to him.

Caprice took a deep breath. She needed Alex, she reminded herself. It was not in her best interest to piss him off.

“Sorry, Alex. I’m just under much stress. You understand, I’m sure.” She lowers her eyelashes, giving her best I’m sorry act.

Alex, trying not to roll his eyes, leans forward in his chair. “I understand. Please, tell me more.” He hoped he sounded sincere so she would hurry up and get to the point. Alex did not like having his time wasted – especially by dramatic females like the one sitting in front of him.

“I found him. In our hotel room, at the Bulgari Hotel. I walked in, Sergio was lying on the floor. There was blood everywhere. I bent down to hold him, and Sergio said your name before he died.” Caprice pulled out a tissue, dabbed her eyes with it.

Alex’s mind was clicking, all the pieces falling into place. As soon as Caprice uttered the name Sergio Rossi, Alex knew immediately what kind of situation he had on his hands. Sergio Rossi. Son of Vincent Rossi, former Mafia boss. Former Mafia boss that Alex killed.

“Caprice, why were you and Sergio in London?” Alex asked, trying to obtain as much from her as possible.

Caprice shrugged. “He said business. I didn’t ask, he didn’t tell. That’s how it was with Sergio. No questions.”

Alex nodded. For Caprice, it was better not to know. And she was right – it was safer that way.

“What happened after you found him?”

“I called his man, Mario. He shows up with the others, and they did what they needed to do. Then we left, returned to Naples on Sergio’s private plane. I’ve been at my apartment ever since, thinking about what to do. So, I reached out to you, Alex. I didn’t know what else to do,” Caprice said, her voice rising. She looked at Alex, her eyes wide.

Alex could see the fear in Caprice’s eyes. Real fear. Anyone in this situation would be. Alex looked out the window of the pub. Londoners darting here and there, people wrapped up in their own lives. He turned back to Caprice, who was staring at him expectantly.

She asked him again. “How do you know Sergio?”

“I can’t tell you, and, besides, you don’t really want to know.” Alex wasn’t going to put her in any more of a dangerous situation by telling her too much. Besides, he knew Caprice was desperately trying to get out of this situation, not get even more involved in it.

“You’re right,” Caprice agreed, straightening in her seat. “I do not wish to know more. What I want is to be out of it. Finito. I’ve told you all that I know. Now, you take care of it. Okay?” she said, almost pleading. She wanted nothing more than to forget about the last week and move on with her life.

“I am going to do everything in my power to resolve the situation. Now, what I want you to do is return to Naples as soon as possible. Don’t talk to anyone about Sergio. Do not tell anyone about our meeting. Keep a low profile. If you can, that is,” Alex said wryly, unable to resist.

Caprice smiled, relaxing a little. “You know, Alex,” she said, pointing at him. “You seem different now. You’re not the same bad boy I once knew.”

Alex simply smiled, and said, “No, Caprice, I’m not. Thank goodness.”
