Page 12 of Mr. London

Alex also knew he had a good a team in place. He always employed the best people he could find. It was vital to his company and his brand. He thought about Katherine. In her short time working for him she had proven herself to be a valuable asset to him. Professionally and hopefully, personally.

Alex knew she was holding back. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He saw the look in her eyes tonight. It was just a matter of time. Alex knew that with Katherine it had to be when she was ready – and only then. That was fine with Alex. He was patient. He could wait. In fact, he was quite enjoying this little waiting game. It made him want her even more. Deep down, he knew she was worth the wait.

Alex crossed the street to Portobello Market and found the booth he was looking for. Same saleslady sitting there, looking bored. She perked up when she saw Alex. He scanned the tables until his eyes landed upon the scarf. The white cashmere scarf she liked so much. He paid for the scarf and left the market.

Alex was looking forward to going home. Home was a two-level penthouse suite at the Whitmore Plaza, one of his developments, of course. He liked living there. Beautiful, yet understated, without a lot of the glitz of his other properties. And it also had the added benefit of being highly secure. More secure than Fort Knox. He built the property with the intention of living there, so he took the liberty of adding extra precautions – an underground tunnel, his own private elevator, and bullet proof glass windows.

Security was of the utmost importance to Alex. It had to be. If it wasn’t, it could cost him his life. It was how he had been trained.


“So, do you feel you’re settling in?” Sandra asks, sipping her tea. It’s Sunday afternoon, and Sandra and I decide to get together. We’re enjoying the wonderful British tradition of afternoon tea at a nearby outdoor café.

“I do. I’ve been so busy with work, trying to learn the ropes. I feel like I’ve just now had a chance to catch my breath.”

“And what do you think of London?”

“It’s lovely. I feel incredibly lucky to be here. I know a lot of people would love to be in my shoes.”

“Well, you deserve it. Working for Alex is not always a walk in the park.”

I hesitated before asking. “Sandra, you’ve worked for Alex for a long time. What do you know about him?” I ventured.

“Honestly, not that much,” she replies, shrugging her shoulders. “All I know is that he was in some part of the military before he started building hotels.” She looks down for a moment. “He’s very private. No one really knows much about him. A bit mysterious, really.” Sandra leans forward, ready to divulge a juicy tidbit of information. “You know, he has a reputation for screwing anything in a skirt and heels. I’m sure you’ve heard.”

“Yeah, I have. I just chalked it up to rumor,” I reply.

Sandra gives me a look. “Rumor? Please. He is most definitely a skirt chaser. He’s screwed half the women in London. He is gorgeous, though.”

I look down at my coffee, unable to hide my emotions.

“Oh, shit,” Sandra says, a concerned look on her face.


“You slept with him?” she asks, eyes wide. It was more of a statement than a question.

“No…..” I reply sheepishly, my cheeks burning. “We just kissed. Twice.”

Sandra groans. “No, Katherine. Not you, too.” She looks at me, shaking her head. “Personally, I think he started the hotel business just so he could have a place to shag women and not have to bring them back to his place. I can’t tell you how many women he’s been through during the time I’ve worked for him. Too many to count,” she says, making a face. “Look, I know the man is take-your-breath-away gorgeous,” Sandra continues, “but he’s trouble.”

This is not the first time I’ve heard someone describe Alex as trouble.

“And he’s your boss,” she says. I can hear the disapproval in her voice.

“Thanks for reminding me,” I say dryly.

“I’m sorry, Katherine. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” She reaches over and squeezes my hand. I know she means well.

“I know. And I agree with you. But, when I’m around him, I lose all willpower. He has this way about him – he’s irresistible.”

“Yeah. I know.” She pauses, lost in thought for a moment. “I mean, there is something about him,” she says quickly.

I lean back, place my hands in my lap. “What should I do?”

Sandra suddenly sits up, eyes shining bright. “I know! I could introduce you to Harry’s co-worker, Dean. He’s the nicest chap. I’ll have a dinner party, invite a few people. You need to get your mind off Alex and onto someone new.”

“You’re right. This is exactly what I need,” I replied, nodding in agreement.