Me: Yeah. And you should. I found someone I like right away. I’m trying to decide if I should meet up with him, and if so, how I should go about it.

Me: Discuss.

And there’s silence for a full thirty seconds, which is completely unlike my friends. I get up from the couch and start pacing. On my second trip around the living room, my phone finally pings.

Quinn: Just stating the obvious, but a public place.

Sophia: Yep, in public, and don’t go anywhere with him.

Hadleigh: I already made her promise that.

Zoey: Do you want a wingwoman?

Me: Oh God, no. Not unless you want to witness all the moves your friend doesn’t have.

Me: Guys, I said some … stuff to him.

And thirty more seconds of silence. Oh my God, how embarrassing. I’m sure they’re all wondering what kind of kinky crap I said.

Madison: If we were in person, you’d see how big my eyes just got.

Hadleigh: Like what kind of stuff are we talking about?

Hadleigh: Because I’d probably say plenty if I thought I liked him.

Quinn: LOL. Yeah, Had, YOU would. But this is Piper.

Sophia: As long as it was normal sexy stuff …

Zoey: Why do I not feel experienced enough for this conversation?

Hadleigh: As long as you didn’t go straight to butt stuff, you’re probably fine.


Zoey: I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that. La, la, la …

Madison: I think I almost just wet myself.

Madison: But on a more serious note, if you get uncomfortable, just leave.

Quinn: Ghost him after that if you have to.

Sophia: You okay, Piper?

Me: My face has gone up in flames.


; Me: You all think I should meet him?

Sophia: I’m disappointed that Damon is a no go, but … yeah.

Sophia: You should see what this Prof.M. guy has to offer.

I nibble my lip. I think I’m going to do it.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I climb into bed and curl up with my phone, clicking into the Tryst app. I’d asked Prof.M. what we’d do if meeting ruined everything. His questioning response hits me hard as I read it over again. Is it a chance you’re willing to take? The more I think about it, the more I know I can’t just sit by and watch this opportunity pass us by. Not meeting him is no longer an option. I think I want to take a chance on him. What if he’s the one? Could I live with myself if I never met him and then one day found out we were soul mates or something dumb like that? Nope. I’d hate myself forever for being a big baby about this. I can agree to a single date, right? What could it hurt?