She whirls around, eyes widening to almost a comical size. “Our …?” She sucks in a quick breath before narrowing her gaze at me. “You didn’t.”
I wink at her and peel out of the parking lot. Because oh yes, I did.
Chapter 15
I’m still fuming when I get back to my apartment. So help me, if that man butted in on the field trip, heads will roll. He couldn’t give me one win—couldn’t even let me feel good about how things were going for just a little while. No.
And worse, he’d played me like a fucking fiddle tonight. Like a goddamn fucking fiddle. He’d let me use his coat, kept me from falling numerous times, carried me through mounds of snow … he’d even danced with me. He’d made me feel. I feel like a total freaking idiot. And he did all this for what? To ease me into trusting him? To hide his devious plan?
I feel like screaming, like pounding my head against the wall, like throwing something and watching it shatter. My phone is like a lead brick in my hand, and I almost chuck it across the room in a fit. I take several deep breaths and then smile, feeling a little crazy. That’d be just perfect. Damon would probably love it if I got so mad at myself that I threw my phone and broke it. With a shake of my head, I sit down on the couch and decide to text my girls. I glance down at what I’d sent earlier before I’d driven away from the school.
Me: Sophia, we had an emergency and have to leave. I swear we aren’t ditching you on purpose. Damon and I got locked out back and he had to carry me all the way around the building through all the snow.
Me: He’s wet and cold, and I’m just … done.
Sophia: Well, that sounds fun. We’re still here, but kids are leaving now anyway.
Zoey: OMG, you got stuck outside?
Hadleigh: You are missing the point, Z.
Hadleigh: He CARRIED her.
Madison: I think I just swooned.
Quinn: That man has all the moves.
Sophia: Piper hasn’t mentioned it yet, but he DANCED with her. It was so damn romantic.
Me: No.
Me: Stop. I know it all sounds great, and I really thought it was at first …
Me: The worst part is I actually enjoyed myself, but honestly? I think he’s buttering me up.
Zoey: What? Why?
Me: Had, have you heard anything about him coming on our field trip?
Hadleigh: NO???
Me: Well, his parting words to me were something about “our” field trip.
Quinn: How’d he manage that?
Hadleigh: Sawyer hasn’t talked to him about it either.
Madison: That leaves Jake, right? Why wouldn’t he have said something to you about it?
Me: Oh, who knows. Damon is very smooth.
Me: Never mind him, though, he’s totally not why I need you all tonight.
Me: Had and Sophia already know this, but I’ve been talking to a guy on that new dating app …
Zoey: Tryst, you mean? I’ve been thinking about creating a profile.