That was apparently all she needed, because soon she was bucking against me, crying out hoarsely as her walls fluttered all around me. It was the most exquisite torture, and soon I was pouring into her, my teeth burying themselves in her neck as my orgasm completely overtook me.

God damn, it was still so good even after all this time. I held her in place, having her take all of it until I was completely spent, and then I let myself sink to the side, rolling her with me. I wanted to stay inside of her until I too soft to do so and fell out. I wanted us to be connected.

“Thank you,” she murmured sleepily, curling into my chest, one of her shapely legs draped over my hips.

“You’re welcome,” I answered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Whatever you want, I’ll give you.”

“Careful, I think you’ll find I want a whole lot.”

I chuckled at that. That was a lie if I ever heard one. “That’s perfectly fine with me.” I answered, kissing her tenderly once more before we both started to settle down. And it was like that we both drifted off, contentment washing through me. And this time, I knew for a fact that she would still be there in the morning.

It was a good feeling.



I couldn’t believe where I was. After everything that I had been through, the death of my mother, moving from Toronto to America. Going from living with my father to my Aunt. Growing up. Graduating. Making my own company with a couple of partners. It was all so much, and it had made me what I was, but I couldn’t help the incredulity washing over me. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to break down and cry or start to scream in joy.

It was… it was a lot to take in, okay?

I was now head of a stunt department for a major movie trilogy that was supposed to be a huge blockbuster. It was a highly coveted position, with about nine different battles and over a dozen different fights. It could end up being a career defining moment, and my partners were happy to take care of most of the busy work at our company while I worked on the trilogy for the next few years. I couldn’t believe my luck. After all the years I worked in the industry and never receiving proper recognition, I somehow landed this gig. I had a pretty good idea that it was a combination of that commercial that started it all, and also being the wife of one of the most popular MMA fighters in the industry.

While I loved getting right into the action, it was nice to be back behind the scenes again for a bit. I still pitched in as a body double or extra every now and then, but we’d just wrapped the first film and I had managed to only give in twice. It was nice not to come home sore and beaten and throbbing. It also gave me more energy and time to tend to both Mickey and our beautiful, perfect little girl.

She was just seven months old, but she already had her hulking daddy wrapped around her chubby little fingers. He was so sweet to her, so doting, that it made my heart swell every time they were together.

Which was often, by the way. I thought that perhaps, with Mickey’s career really taking off, that he would be home less than ever. But he made us a priority, and honestly every time I thought about it, I could just melt.

I headed home, bobbing my head to a jazzy song while I thought of what I could make for dinner. I just barely pulled into the drive when I got a text from him.

Hey, let’s go to that diner you like for dinner. It’ll be a nice change and get us out of the house. I’ve already got Max with me.

I rolled my eyes fondly, it figured he hadn’t been able to catch me before I left work, and I warned him that he shouldn’t expect me in anything fancy. Although I loved getting dolled up for him, and how he showed me off like I was the most beautiful woman in the world, I was already so exhausted. If I fiddled with an outfit and make up, I might pass out at my vanity again.

I’d only done it twice, and one of the times had been because I was pregnant and didn’t know it, but Mickey never let me forget it.

An hour later I was freshly showered and heading out. Thankfully, the ever-present traffic had died down and not too much after that, I parked at the diner Mickey knew I loved. He was just so thoughtful like that. I’d never said it out loud, never really thought about it, and yet he knew.